
Monday, November 24, 2008

Thankful for Quiet Time

I'm trying hard to be thankful today...

The other day I finally finished the borders on this quilt. Yeah! I was all ready to sandwich it together and start quilting, but I discovered I miscalculated the size of the finished quilt and my backing and batting were about four inches too short! Aaarrrggghhhhhhhhh. So now I guess I will be ordering a king size batt and more backing fabric. The up side is this is the first top I have made since my children were born and I'm pretty excited about it. Though now that I look at the photo on the pattern I wish I had used more yellow, but oh well.

I've been getting better at making time for myself lately, and taking advantage of my husband's wonderful offers to "go sew, I'll put the kids to bed," so I've been quite productive lately. Also, my mom (who just moved to EGYPT - more on that another time) said I can use her Bernina with a stitch regulator (my older model doesn't have one) to quilt it and that is going to be a lot of fun. I am so looking forward to trying it out!


  1. That is a beautiful quilt top! You have an eye for colour patterning.

  2. It's a beautiful quilt. I'll have to photograph the quilts I iinherited from my Grandma, which her grandma had made. You might be interested in the patterns?

    And I have suddenly realised why all your recent posts are about thankfulness! (Yeah I feel really dumb now - my only defence is that we don't do Thanksgiving here.)

  3. Lovely yellow brick road! Do you really need the borders? Can you take them off or trim them down to fit your batting and backing (and bed!)? I've been less inclined to use borders these days. Kudos to Papa for giving you time to be creative!

  4. I love your quilt. It looks like the yellow brick road. I did one a few years ago in all Christmas colors. It was an enjoyable quilt to sew.
    Now, more about that move to Egypt for your Mpm. I am so curious!
    Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!

  5. How nice of that man of yours to spend that quality time with the kids. Your quilt is beautiful! Such a big job to sandwhich a quilt a blanket of that size....I don't envy you all that pinning. Will you meander or do you have other plans for quilting it? I would love to see it after too please. I made one, but had it quilted locally. I'm not brave enough to quilt my own yet.

  6. Yellow Brick Road is my favorite pattern. Your quilt top looks great! (I always love the blue and yellow combo.)

    Hope you get time to complete it!

  7. Oh good lord! Egypt? Wow! Why? Do tell... Always love your blog. Keep it up. -Me

  8. I love the quilt too! I'm still working on hand quilting Dan's wedding quilt. Maybe will bring it at New Year's for a marathon quilting session with ya! Yeah to A. for giving you the quiet time!

  9. beautiful quilt! i can't wait to hear about your experience with the stitch regulator.

  10. Liz, your quilt is beautiful. I love the happy yellow and serene blue together. You did a great job matching the fabrics.

  11. I think the yellow is just right. Lovely.

    And am waiting to hear why Egypt, too! lol


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