
Friday, November 28, 2008

Thankful for Family

We had an unusual Thanksgiving this year... Great Grandma Mary (doesn't she look great?) took us all out to eat on Thursday. My husband offered to cook, but Grandma decided she would rather eat here. I must admit, I'm glad she did (though my husband is an amazing cook - much better than me!) Eating out meant no shopping, no cooking all day, and best of all - no clean-up! Dinner was great: the food was fantastic (except for the stuffing - which my dad and I agreed needed a lot more sage,) my amaretto sour was perfect, and the kids were well behaved. Plus, I got to sit next to grandma. It is hard to believe she just turned 88. We teased her that soon we'll be planning her 100th birthday celebration.

I am so glad that my children have gotten to know her. She is an amazing lady. I have learned so much from her and not just embarrassing stories about my mother. (Like the time she pushed her brother out of a second story window, or when she got a D in algebra.) Through Grandma's example I learned the importance family and why getting an education is worth the time and effort. And how writing down the stories of one's life is an amazing gift to give one's family. Thanks Grandma, for everything. I love you.


  1. What a wonderful story, and what a great idea she had to go out for dinner!
    As both my parents emigrated to Canada in their 20s from overseas, I had no grandparents around growing up. You are so fortunate!

  2. You're so lucky to still have your Grandma - that truly is a blessing and something to be thankful for.

    And from my point of view, the thing that would have made me most thankful was the fact that the children behaved while you were out. Fantastic!

  3. What a fantastic Thanksgiving! Your Gramma sounds like a treasure and wise... suggesting eating out on Thanksgiving. Just enjoying family and no cooking. Sounds like heaven. :)

    Happy belated Thanksgiving!

  4. TOO. MUCH. FUN!! Now that the month is over... what will be your new "theme"?

  5. Your Grandma still looks great! We had Mom and Vaughn over for Thanksgiving dinner (I cooked) and for powershopping on Friday. Dan's Mom and Dad are celebrating their 45th anniversary Sunday with us and Dave and Cathy and kids on this was a weekend to be thankful for family for us too!

  6. Your Grandmother is one Grand lady! Hooray for going out to eat and no dishes later. That means more fun time with the family.

  7. Great post! We have so much to learn from our grandparents!

  8. Your grandma is beautiful and yes she looks great!

  9. Aw..I wish my kids could meet MY Grandma. But she is 96, and on the other side of the world. The possibility of it gets less and less every day. They did get to meet Dh's one, a couple times, when she came over from New Zealand, though.

    And viva eating out! lol


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