
Friday, November 21, 2008

Thankful For Books

Did you know sea monkeys enjoy a good book every now and then? I didn't know either. Apparently pop-up books, like this one, are their favorite. Just ask my daughter, K. She asked me to get the little guys down from the shelf tonight just so she could read to them. It just made my book-loving heart melt...

It's scenes like these that tell me I'm doing the right thing with my children when it comes to limiting TV and reading to them / encouraging them to "read" often. She must enjoy hearing stories to assume her sea monkeys would like them as well. The Big Bug Book is her favorite right now - she "reads" it several times a day. If you have a little one in the house you may want to check it out.

I was supposed to be reading Twilight this weekend, but my friend forgot to bring it to work today. Oh well. I suppose I'll live if I can't read it until next week. Besides, without the book consuming my time I'll be able to spend more time on the ornament tutorial I've been working on.


  1. To give you encouragement on the limiting TV thing ...
    my son is only allowed tv on the week-ends. He reads non-stop (oh the late night book raids we do...) and doesn't even ask to watch tv during the week. Even with most of his peers being heavy tv watchers, he's not bothered by it and doesn't say we are mean or anything. He still loves his tv when he is allowed to watch, but limiting it has been a great thing.

  2. You'll feel like a kid who can't read enough when you get Twilight. I saw the movie last night and was terribly disappointed...Love the books though. That pic of your little girl reading to the sea monkeys is too cute! Those are moments to treasure for sure.

  3. Look at Miss K., all grown up and reading out loud to her friends!

  4. Twilight must be all the rage. My daughter just finished reading that book. I understand about loving books. My great aunt was a librarian and would send us the coolest books for Christmas. Those packages from Auntie Ann were always my favorite!

  5. can you imagine life without books?? No way! Not me!!!

  6. Three cheers for books! I love reading, and so do my children. They get it from me. Unfortunately they love TV too (they get that from their Dad.)

  7. I love reading and sharing books with my kids. My DD wants to come to my book group when she gets big. Isn't just wonderful when they catch the reading bug?

  8. I love reading and sharing books with my kids. My DD wants to come to my book group when she gets big. Isn't just wonderful when they catch the reading bug?

  9. As a pop-up designer and teacher, I love learning about kids who enjoy reading pop-up books. Additionally, I find the activity of kids making pop-ups encourages them to develop mechanical and 3-dimensional design skills, problem-solving techniques, and storytelling. My "Pocket Paper Engineer" workbooks describe step-by-step how to design pop-ups. Lets hope that kids continue to read, learn, and use their hands to make things they enjoy. Carol Barton

  10. Now I get to commend you on being a great mom! And, with an "aunt" as a librarian, she and S. will always have an endless supply of books :-)

    Twilight the books...blah...Twilight the movie...Good (Would have gotten a Great except for issues with some of the effects). I recommend listening to it while you quilt/sew..that's what I did, otherwise would not have gotten through any of the books. Let me know if you need an audio version :-)


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