
Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Free Snakes... Well, Almost

We are lucky enough to live near people who have a great sense of humor. A few days ago the "Free Snakes" bucket appeared in their front yard, and of course, my son was quite interested in what was in the bucket. He understands that words have meaning, so he asked what it said. As soon as I answered him with, "The sign says free snakes," he rushed over to the bucket to get himself one. What little boy could resist, right? He was so disappointed when under the leaves all he found was the bottom of the bucket.

Mr. or Mrs. S must have seen him because a few days later my son noticed the sign had changed. Plus, there were snakes - two of those flexible wooden ones. S was in seventh heaven! Mr. and Mrs. S left that bucket there (snakes included) for over a week. S and K were thrilled to show it to their cousins who are on the island for their annual summer visit.

Sadly the snakes were gone this morning. K, in her cute little two year-old voice asked Mr. S, "Where snakes?"

"We had to put them away," he replied. "But I think we have some spiders in the basement." Don't-cha just love good neighbors...


  1. I just came upon your blog via house on hill road and I'm so glad I did! Your blog has such a nice feel. And what a great story about the snakes. My boys would've loved that, too.

  2. That was very sweet of them to recognize the disappointment and to fix it for your little ones! I just love people who care about children!

  3. Aw, how sweet. Bless your neighbors!

  4. Now that's funny! What is he holding??

  5. He is holding a wooden snake. They are jointed so they bend like real snakes. There is a good picture of a snake like it at -

  6. that is so neat! what a fun thing to do.....


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