Thursday, August 8, 2024

Perfect Day

Both of my children will be heading off to college in a couple of weeks, so I have been really trying to spend time with them before they leave. It's been a challenge because we're all working and those schedules don't always make time together doable. Today the stars aligned and I was able to catch up with both of them. 

I started my day by having breakfast with K at the Chuckwagon. It's K's favorite, so it was no surprise she suggested we get a late breakfast there. Plus, she absolutely loves their corned beef hash.

S, on the other hand, wanted to eat dinner at the Carriage House, the restaurant at the Iroquois. His dinner of choice is two orders of escargot finished with lemon meringue pie. In between bites of garlicy deliciousness we contemplated life, the universe, and everything and it was a delight. 

I'm so excited for both of them as they prepare to head to school; year two for S and year one for K...

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