There's just something about purple lilac flowers against a backdrop of green leaves that says, "Spring." Even when it's chilly or rainy outside, it's hard not to smile when you see those blossoms.
Friday, May 31, 2024
Thursday, May 30, 2024
A Lilac a Day, Day Four
I think these pink lilacs are some of the prettiest on the Island. They also seem to be opening a little faster than the other varieties.
A Lilac a Day,
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
Graduation 2024
My daughter is now a proud alumna of the Mackinac Island Public School. Graduation was very special this year - not only because my youngest was graduating, but also because of a special guest.
Yep, Michigan's Governor, Gretchen Whitmer, took time out of her busy schedule to speak at our little school's graduation. Not only did she speak, but she met with the nine graduates before the ceremony. They were all so excited! And when there are only nine graduates, the commencement address gets quite personal.
Both the Governor and the Valedictorian (way to go Bela!) spoke about each of the graduates. Bela told his classmates the three words he would always associate with them. He told my daughter he would always remember her creativity, uniqueness, and resilience. (That was the moment I couldn't hold back the tears any longer, by the way.)
After graduation there was a reception for the graduates at school. Each student had a table full of pictures.
Here they are: the nine members of Mackinac Island's Class of 2024.
Thank you Governor Whitmer, Mrs. Lipovsky, and all the senior parents for making graduation so memorable
good friends,
island living,
Mackinac Moments,
A Lilac a Day, Day Three
I'm not sure if it's just me or if other people think this way, too - the white lilacs don't seem to be as fragrant to me as the other colors are. I wonder is that a common thing, or just the white varieties we happen to have here...
A Lilac a Day,
Tuesday, May 28, 2024
A Lilac a Day, Day Two
I'm not sure how many varieties of lilacs there are on the island, but the tiny yellow centers on these remind me of forget me nots. I just love how these change color as they open.
A Lilac a Day,
Monday, May 27, 2024
A Lilac a Day, Day One
I was convinced the lilacs were really early this year, but I was wrong. When I went back and checked my posts from last year, A Lilac a Day started on May 28, 2023. Over the weekend, they just started to pop...
A Lilac a Day,
Friday, May 24, 2024
Today you graduate from high school.
You first walked in the school doors 15 years ago as a three year-old preschooler, and tonight you walk out a Mackinac Island Public School graduate.
Weren't you in preschool, like last week?
Your adult life is just beginning, and I see great things in your future. You got the intellect and the skills to do absolutely anything you desire, but remember - you have to make it happen. You've got to be proactive rather than reactive in order to craft your life into the life you want.
I know, I know, you've got this.
Your dad and I will be here cheering you on and offering support if you need it. You might need it, or you might not; either way we'll be here for you in whatever capacity you need.
Just remember, when you see me crying at graduation tonight (and I will cry), they are not tears of sadness. I will be crying tears of pride and joy as you walk across that stage. I am not even a little sad at the thought of you going off to Northern next year. I am thrilled at the thought of you moving out and moving on with your life - after all, it's how things are supposed to work. Will I miss you next year? Of course I will, but that feeling will be overshadowed by my feelings of pride over the battles you've fought and the struggles you've overcome to walk across that stage tonight. I love you!
Thursday, May 23, 2024
Tomorrow you will graduate from high school.
I have to be honest,
there were days I was terrified
we wouldn't make it to today.
But we did.
You made it.
You worked hard.
You preserved.
You didn't give up;
and here you are -
just one more day until you
finish high school.

I am so proud of you and the person you've become. I know you can be successful; and you will be successful at anything and everything you decide is important to you.
Wednesday, May 22, 2024
Three Days
Three days until I cry as you walk across the stage to get your diploma.
I thought long and hard about whether or not to use this picture, but it really does sum up your first three months of life; you were so unhappy. You cried. All. The. Time. Nothing would console you. Until we got the diagnosis that you were suffering from acid reflux and you started taking Prilosec. After that, you started to smile.
Then we dealt with a hospitalization for a severe UTI, a hospitalization for a dangerous eye infection, and other trips to the hospital I'd rather forget (including the time you swallowed the quarter, and when you accidentally broke my nose.) As if that wasn't enough, you've also had to deal with sleep apnea, a hearing impairment, ADD, and your more recent ASD diagnosis. As we lived through those days, it didn't feel all that overwhelming. But now, as I see it all on one page, I get teary as I realize just how much you went through growing up.
It feels so unfair that you had to face all of that when so many other kids get to breeze through their childhoods. As I ponder your many battles, I keep coming back to Nietzsche's words, "What does not kill me makes me stronger." I believe we can choose to look at adversity as an opportunity to grow - to develop strength and build a strong character. It all seems like a lifetime ago and yesterday at the same time, but with every hardship, you came out stronger on the other side. Your graduation from high school is a big deal - you made it; you fought every battle and won.
Are your battles over? Probably not. Will life always be easy? Definitely not, but I believe in you. With your strength I know you will be capable of facing just about anything life throws at you!
Being your mom hasn't always been easy, but I wouldn't have my life any other way. I love you!
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
Four Days
Only four more days until you trade in the sun hats Mama made (and tortured you with) for a mortarboard.
Monday, May 20, 2024
Five Days
It's hard to believe it's been 6,612 days since you came into the world. Your birth was so different from your brother's - so much calmer than your his quasi-emergency. Your C-section was scheduled, so I had time to prepare, I knew what to expect. We were so happy when you joined our little family; when you were born things felt complete.
It's hard to believe your now legally an adult and in just five days you'll be a high school graduate. Where did the time go?
Wednesday, May 1, 2024
Absolutely Fabulous
I did not know the Secretary of State (Michigan's version of the DMV) had a mobile office. They do, and it's absolutely fabulous! Normally to renew a driver's license or renew my license plates, which does have to be done in person occasionally, I have to take a day off of work and travel to the mainland. Not this year! This year, the Secretary of State came to me. I really appreciate the City of Mackinac Island can make this an annual event.
island living,
makes me smile
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