We needed a fun yet academic way to wrap up this school year and the Potato Olympics fit the bill perfectly. Potato Olympics you ask? Why yes!
First, the kindergarten through sixth grade students selected a potato and transformed it into an athlete. Next, each potato got a backstory and important measurements were taken.

The fifth and sixth graders spent time discovering what the term "an average potato" meant as they analyzed the length, girth and mass of all 20 potatoes. They investigated mean, median, mode, range and created line plots as they looked at the data.

Finally, it was time to coach the potato athletes to greatness! We held multiple events including:
the balance beam,

the high jump,
and weightlifting.
The potatoes also competed in downhill skiing, the long jump and a relay race.
We all had an absolute hoot with these activities! While the athletes were taking a break the kids even got to play Potato Potato French Fry (Duck Duck Goose) and Hot Potato. Mrs. Lisk has decided we need to end every year this way; next year she wants a baked potato bar for hot lunch on the last day of school to celebrate the gold medal winning potatoes. Sounds like a good idea to me! (Just as long as we celebrate them, by not eating them. Those potatoes were a little worse for wear after all of those events.)