
Saturday, April 19, 2014

Icy Straits

I just had to share these great pictures of the icy Straits. They were taken a few days ago by a crew from the US Coast Guard Air Station down in Traverse City.

There's been a ton of freighter traffic in the Straits today. Since about 10:00 am we've heard pretty constant freighter horns. We tried to get a look at them here, but it's just too foggy.

As you can see, we're going be hearing them all morning... 

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful pictures!!! Spring comes slowly to northern climes! I just popped over to your blog from the blog of Bonnie Hunter - she's going to be THERE at the Grand Hotel giving classes...soon! One of her followers is also a follower of yours, Colleen, and she provided a link to your blog in the comments section of Bonnie's blog. Love where you live and I'm going to follow you and your work as well. What do you teach? I'm a retired teacher :)


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