
Friday, April 18, 2014

Feeling Springy

Normally, by mid-April, the ice is gone, the boats are running, and my husband has already started keeping a watchful eye on his morel mushroom patches - but not this year. Most of the paved roads are clear of snow, but grassy and wooded areas on Mackinac are still white, so it really wasn't feeling very much like spring to me. Until this week. On Wednesday I managed to get my first peek at open water; water I've not seen since before Christmas. Let me tell you, it was a wonderful site. It made me feel like spring might actually find us up here.

My daughter and I flew to the mainland for doctor's appointments on Thursday and despite the open water on the the other side of the island, we got a first hand look at just how much ice is left in the Straits.

Rumor has it that the U.S. Coast Guard is planning to begin breaking up the ice today... 

1 comment:

  1. Hi Liz, It's good to see the thaw has at least begun...I think it is going to be a looong one!


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