
Saturday, April 26, 2014


Yesterday, both the Shepler's and Arnold Freight boats managed to make it across the Straits. It's a good thing too. Several Island businesses, including the Grand Hotel have opened, and until Friday there were only five teams of horses on the island. Not nearly enough to transport the volume of supplies, summer employees and guests that have been arriving each day. Hopefully, now the the freight boats are out, the passenger ferries are soon to follow. It's been a long winter - this is the latest in to the spring that we've gone without boats - at least in my time on the island...


  1. I see Bonnie Hunter is coming to the island. I hope you get to see her. She is a great teacher and presenter.

  2. Glad to see the ferries up and running - it sure has been a hard winter!!!

  3. Sarah Fielke from Australia is also on her way to the Grand Hotel to teach!!


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