According to our doctor, people born before 1958 are at extremely low risk for getting sick with H1N1. She said a very similar flu went around sometime in the 60s or early 70s and most older folks are immune. So the kids and I hopped on the 9:00 am boat this morning and have had a wonderful day visiting with Great Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jack. (Both born well before '58.)
And don't worry - we aren't infecting the folks down here - their schools have been closed longer than the island's has...
Now, with that in mind picture this -me (the worried counter) letting my students lose in this:
the corn maze.
Talk about facing one's fears! Now each group had a parent with them, the kids loved it, and they all had a fantastic time. You'll have to take my word for how much fun a rousing game of Marco Polo is inside a corn maze. Once we were all back together (and accounted for - twice) I stopped sweating and was able to admit just what a great time it was.
And I didn't worry the whole time - while in the maze I was able to pick up a shopping bag full of popcorn to dry and enjoy later this fall. Mmmmmmmmmm fresh popcorn...
I rode out to Woodbluff to run an errand Saturday morning and was pleased as punch that I actually remembered to bring my camera. My daughter kept a watchful eye out for dragons while we stopped so I could snap a few pictures on the golf course. (She saw several but luckily they were all nice and easily "shooed" away.)
I took the afternoon off today - after going to the Medical Center because I did something to my neck this morning. I have no idea what I did but even after an adjustment, muscle relaxers, and quite a bit of time with the heating pad, I still hurt. Grumble grumble. However, I still have hope that I am going to wake up tomorrow morning, well rested and pain free. Keep your fingers crossed for me...
editorial note from the Hubby: This post is heavily edited due to the effects of muscle relaxants. Liz is doing much better and is being properly pampered.
The leaves are changing color,