Thursday, March 13, 2025


Tonight was one of those perfect Mackinac nights. After tonight's rehearsals for Mama Mia, a few of us were waiting for our police transport home*. As we waited we were treated to the most beautiful sunset.

The three of us just stood there in awe as the sun dipped below the horizon, and the sky seemed to glow like a burning ember.  It was so still and quiet, we could hear the traffic driving across the Mackinac Bridge. 

*During the winter months, seniors and folks with medical need can get rides in the police car to and from community events.

Friday, March 7, 2025

The Great Lakers

Robotics competitions are a school-wide affair on Mackinac Island. When it is time for The Great Lakers (A.K.A. team 5878) to compete, everything stops so we can cheer for the home team. This year they competed at events at Kettering University and Wayne State, and while they didn't bring home a trophy they were ranked high enough at the Wayne State event to lead an alliance in the finals. 

Wednesday, March 5, 2025

No Complaints

"Snow" days are virtually unheard of on Mackinac Island, but we do occasionally get "ice" days. After a night of rain, some of the Island's roads were glare ice, so there's no school today. The only thing that would have made this message better would have been getting it before I arrived at school. LOL. 

Being the find-the-silver-lining kind of person that I am, I used the morning to prep and copy things for next week, grade papers, and input grades into my gradebook. And, I was home before the Noon Whistle blew. Now, I get the rest of the day off - lucky me!

Monday, March 3, 2025

Mackinac Moment: Sunset Flight

My husband and I had doctor's appointments last week, and since the boats aren't running we had to fly to the mainland for our appointments. We were treated to a lovely sunset on our 5:45 pm flight to St. Ignace.

Fresh Air Aviation has several planes they use to "ferry" people across the Straits of Mackinac. The one we rode last week can carry seven passengers and their belongings. A round trip ticket is $108 for adults and that entitles the rider to 40 pounds (about 18 kg) of freight. If you have more to bring over, the additional weight costs $0.40 per pound. (That's why I stock up on chicken feed before the boats quit running.)

The flight takes less than five minutes and is a breeze. The only hitch can be the weather since the plane can't navigate in the fog or land on icy runways. This time of year we have to be flexible and be willing to change our plans if the planes aren't flying.

My Boss

A certain someone, who shall remain nameless, doesn't think tonight is a good night for me to be sewing mitten linings. I have been instructed to give her copious amounts of attention instead. Normal mitten might resume tomorrow, if she allows it, but we'll have to wait and see...

Thursday, February 27, 2025

"Spring" Thaw

March is not spring on Mackinac Island - it is still very much winter. That said, we do often get a few warm days this time of year. Usually it lasts just long enough to melt the snow, making riding our snowmobiles a challenge. And while most of the adults are annoyed, the kids love the opportunity to play with good packing snow (which is somewhat of a rarity here since it's usually just too cold.) Several of my students were so proud of today's recess creation, that they asked me to take a picture of  it. Meet their new friend - "Fred."

Friday, February 21, 2025


When I was wandering down on the shore the other day, I discovered this little guy guarding the beach. He was tucked behind some bushes and not visible from the street, so I was surprised to find him. Sadly, he's probably just a pile of mush now - it's been in the high thirties since Saturday. 

Sunday, February 16, 2025


We've had some sun lately, so I went exploring down on the beach near the school. Don't worry, I didn't venture out onto the ice.

While it was quite cold walking along the shore, everywhere I looked I found beauty. Just one of the little bonuses of living on Mackinac.

Thursday, February 13, 2025

Here We Go Again

Once again I'm taking part in Mackinac's spring musical, which this year is Mama Mia! I was thinking about trying out for ta speaking part, but after my mom fell and broke her shoulder (more on that soon) and the looming likely hood of a shoulder replacement in March or April, I didn't feel I should go out for a big part. Luckily, I am quite content to sing my heart out in the background.

Sunday, February 9, 2025

Out and About

Today was a beautiful sunny day so Allen and I decided to take the dog for a walk. It's not our dog - she belongs to my mom, who is heading to Australia tomorrow. So the dog is ours for the next month.

I'm not sure who enjoyed spending some time outside more - Allen & I or Wrenn.