
Friday, February 10, 2012


Today The Quilted Turtle turns four.
Four years,
471 posts,
and more new friends than I can count.

Starting a blog was actually my husband's idea. Back in 2008, for Valentine's Day, he bought me my DSLR camera. So with camera in hand and support from my good friend, Maggie, off I went into the blogosphere. The rest, as they say, is history.

I've really enjoyed this space. Though sometimes I think I must bore people. My life isn't that exciting - just kids, crafts and a dash of Mackinac; not much drama. But that's just the way I like it.

As a way to celebrate my little anniversary, and show you all how much I appreciate your comments and kind words, I am having a give away.  Check back in a day or two to see what I've got to share...


  1. You Husband is a Brilliant Man!!! Love the photos you post :-)

    Tony Howd
    Macon, GA

  2. Happy 4th Blog Anniversary!! I love reading your updates and thank you, and your family, so very much for sharing your life with us readers - Happy Friday from no-snow-yet Northern Indiana, but there is snow in the forecast so my fingers are crossed :-)

  3. I so enjoy reading your blog...I love to read about crossing the ice, and the little school...and what seems to me to be the simple life... although I am sure it isn't ..

    Happy Blogaversary..

  4. Congratulations on 4 years! I have had your blog on my read list for most of those 4 years and I love your photos, reading about your Island and its no-car policy, your kid's birthday parties (I stole your rainbow-cake-under-white icing idea once), and the craft posts too, although I rarely comment these days as I am often just too busy (and my computer is too slow loading pages).

  5. I think your list of followers is a little bigger than that. Ask hubby is he can figure out who follows you via an RSS feed.

    P.S. Although your DSLR may have gotten you started, I think you really are a as good a writer as you are a photographer.

  6. Wow four years, congratulations! I love reading about your life, never boring, make me miss the island so much.

  7. I always enjoy your posts. I loved my visit to Mackinac, your pictures and stories have been a soothing oasis in the sea of turmoil lately. Living there is something I'd love to have the chance to try for a year, someday. Happy Blogiversary and keep it up!

  8. Happy Anniversary! I agree with the commenter who suggested you have more followers than you think. :-)

  9. I'm pleased you introduced yourself to me so that I could discover you on your fourth anniversary! Thanks for commenting on my blog, and Happy Anniversary!

  10. Happy blogoversary!
    I have enjoyed your blog ever since I discovered it...a couple years ago (I think it's been a couple year?)
    Anywho...I am still trying to convince my hubby that my blog is deserving of a new camera, LOL! ;)

  11. I have enjoyed really your blog and consider you a friend.

  12. how time zooms by...i've been up here since may 07. i guess i started my blog to connect with people since i didnt know anyone but my man...gave everything up to move to da UP. I love it here but i miss my son, grand daughter, sweet pacific ocean and quilting pals...oh well...change is good. :-)

  13. Congrats on 4 years of blogging. It's fun to keep in touch this way.


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