
Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Blowing Like Stink

We've had gusts up to 60 mph (about 97 km/hr) today on the Straits of Mackinac. It's so windy that right now the bridge is closed to "high profile" traffic. That means they are only allowing cars, vans, and empty pick-up trucks to cross; everyone else has to wait until wind conditions improve.

This morning, it was so windy I actually had to peddle my bike down the hill to school. Coming home, on the other hand, wasn't too bad - the wind pushed me home...


  1. Ah yes, the winds over the straits. We had wild wind all week-end. Don't let go of the car doors!

  2. We too have been experiencing 60-70mph wind gusts here. It's crazy. Sounds like the house is coming down. When we were on the island last weekend, it was JUST starting. We had a "bouncy" trip over on the ferry...not my favorite, LOL! Scares me to death, LOL! Hang on there Liz! Don't blow away! :)

  3. Boy, the ferry would've been fun today, lol!!!! Awesome waves!

  4. Great picture of the lake. I'm glad I didn't have to drive over the Bridge! We had branches down here. Spitting snow yesterday, but nothing on the ground yet. In no time at all you'll be riding your snowmobile again. :)

  5. Beautiful picture! Lake Huron and Lake Michigan have been providing some wonderful photo opportunities the last few days. A photographer in Ludington that I follow on Facebook has an picture of a wave crashing up and over the North Breakwater Lighthouse.

    Hold on to your hats! (Or should I say mittens?)

  6. Be careful out there!! Is it frightening to be on an island when the weather is bad? I think I would be terrified.....
    But I love your picture! Although I am afraid of storms I love to watch them. Do you mind if I put your pic on my computer for my background? I will sometimes look at Brenda's and your pics when the day is hectic. Gives me a little short escape back to the island. :)
    Have a good and safe day.

  7. Wow! Those are some strong looking waves for sure. But the picture is also beautiful in it's wildness.
    I hope you are having a wonderful Autumn season. Happy Monday!!

  8. its so intersting to visit such places that we didnt hear about it before yes you are right u are lucky to live in such place.

  9. its so intersting to visit such places that we didnt hear about it before yes you are right u are lucky to live in such place.


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