
Friday, September 3, 2010

From Bag to Little Boy's Shirt

When I saw this tutorial, I had to try it. And let me tell you, it was a piece of cake. Now, I just need to find some more interesting plastic bags. The one I used for my son's new shirt was from one of Mackinac Island's fudge shops. My son was thrilled to have a shirt with his name on it. Unfortunately, I have yet to find bags with all the letters in my daughter's name; much to her dismay. When S wears his shirt I am immediately asked, "When will I get my shirt Mama?" It's so hard to be patient when you're four...


  1. That's a great tutorial. Thanks for sharing the link.
    We are headed over to do the Bridge Walk, but will have to get right back on Monday, as his mom & sister are coming for a visit. We are going to get there in time to go through the art fair in St Ignace on Sunday. Hope we bump into you.

  2. What a clever idea! I can't wait to try this out myself (although I'll have to use something other than a Target bag, I think)! :-)

  3. Hello, I am a new follower. Your blog is so sweet and interesting. I love the little girls dress made from a shirt. So creative and darling looking. I saw that you are a teacher. What grade do you teach? Teachers have such an important job!! I am a Sunday school teacher to first grade girls. Love it.

    Have a nice week. Just wanted to say hello and let you know I enjoy your blog.

  4. What a cute idea I love it!! I hope you find enough letters soon for your little girl to have one too. Happy Tuesday!!

  5. have you found the letters for K yet?


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