
Saturday, August 28, 2010

Mackinac: Where Horse is King

Both my children have been taking riding lessons through the 4-H program here on Mackinac and they love it.

I love that they are not just learning how to ride but how to take care of a horse as well. Horses are more than just riding - they're a lot of work!

My son loves riding the horse,

but my daughter loves telling the horse what she wants it to do.

Luckily Blaze is the prefect little horse for them to learn on, and their teacher, Leanne, has been fantastic. Riding has been one of the best parts of our summer. Sadly, tomorrow will be their last lesson. But Blaze will be on the island all winter, so I am fairly certain we'll stop by the barn occasionally with a carrot or two...


  1. What a joy to learn to ride. I wish I had been able to do that! And what better place than on the island?

  2. My son wouldn't care so much about the riding, but would give almost anything for those boots.

  3. I used to love riding - my aunt taught me, then I took lessons. Next summer, if we go to Mackinac again, she wants to rent horses to ride around the island. We'll see - I think I'm too old and arthritic, lol! It's so good that they teach the kids how to care for horses as well, that's important.

  4. your little riders look so serious. good that are learning the art of horse husbandry not just riding...makes them more responsible and its not just a ride them and put them back in the barn to the stable person. tori has been back in school for a couple weeks and loves her new school in kalaheo. she says the teachers are smarter, they teach better. her teacher's name is miss licke (lick), she just giggles. how i miss my honey girl.

  5. Love it! So glad they get to do this AND enjoy it.

  6. How wonderful to have the chance to learn. Riding is one of my someday dreams...

  7. That is so nice that your children have the opportunity to learn about riding and taking care of the horses/pony also. Happy Tuesday!!

  8. Thanks for stopping by my blog! I'll be watching interesting to live on the island!

  9. So fun Liz! Blaze is one cool name too. The only riding experience for me is while touring Jordan. It was quite a bumpy ride I remember.

    Love the button storage idea!


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