
Friday, July 30, 2010


The kids and I have been having a wonderful summer; an absolutely wonderful summer!

One of our best days was when Grandma and Grandpa took us sailing aboard their boat. I spent a great deal of my childhood aboard a sailboat, but my children had never been. Both S and K have traveled between Mackinaw City and Mackinac Island hundreds of times, but never like this.

My daughter reacted in much the way I did as a child when I didn't have Dramamine- she fell asleep for much of the trip. My son, on the other hand, had his sea legs instantly and delighted in exploring as much of the boat as he could.

Grandpa, Papa, our friend Barb, the kids and I even got to go explore Round island. The kids loved the dinghy ride - especially when the water was shallow and they could see the rocky bottom.

But it was the massive amounts of monarch caterpillars on Round Island that were the hit of the day. My son counted eleven on one plant alone. Sadly, we've only found two here this summer. We had such fun raising and releasing them last year, which apparently, after some searching in my archives, I forgot to post about. Oops!

This weekend Papa has another adventure planned for us. We can't wait!


  1. The first photo (with the knot) is absolutely spectacular! Sounds like you're having some wonderful summertime adventures :-)

  2. Ah - what is summer without sailing? Looks like a perfect summer day!

  3. What a grand adventure!! I love sailing.

  4. another wonderful adventure for you guys. a sailboat huh. ive spent years commercial fishing off kauai but always in a power boat. 34'er with big diesel...when sail boats passed us it was almost erry they are so quite. i miss the pacific so much!!!!!! we are going camping if it doesnt rain tomarrow or tonight. had big tornado watch and too much rain and thunder and lightning a couple nights ago. no loss of trees or anything, we were lucky. but did have a bear in the yard last night. bad bear. broke two bird feeder stands and dumped over the burn barrel but luckily the neighbor dog chased him off before he could do any real damage.

  5. How fun. Can't wait to see you all.

  6. That water looks beautiful! water vacation for us this year. Maybe next year :)

  7. it does indeed look like you're having a great summer. Wonderful times.

  8. That sounds like a BLAST! WOW! You live in such a beautiful place!


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