
Monday, May 10, 2010


Despite this weekend's snow, (yes, it did snow on Mackinac this weekend!) the island is starting to look pretty springy. I never realized just how difficult it is to photograph snow until I actually tried it. The above photo was the best I could manage of the big flakes we saw here on Saturday morning. Luckily, the ground was warm enough that, apart from a bit of slush on the porch, none of it stuck.

Thanks to the rain we got at the end of last week, the island is really starting to green up. I know most other people are already inching their way into summer, but for those of us in Northern Michigan, spring is still here in all its glory.


  1. I was just thinking THIS MORNING that I'd like you to post about spring's progress on the island! Thanks for reading my mind!

  2. Great tulip photo! Spring has been slow out here as well, but I think it's finally here to stay.

  3. Oh how I miss the island!!! Maybe this summer...

  4. I saw you guys got snow, yikes - we just had lots and lots of rain. Everything is quite pretty and green but it's still cold!

  5. Those tulips are glorious. We are just going into winter and have lit our third fire to warm up the house.

  6. I'm so glad the snow did not stick and now those beautiful tulips and other flowers are in bloom and everything is pretty and green.
    Happy Tuesday!!

  7. It's barely spring here in lower Michigan too. Only 48 degrees right now...cold and rainy all week. Hoping for good weather for the next few weekends! My son's
    8th grade band is going to Great America this Friday! The whole
    8th grade goes to Mackinac Island next Thur/Fri...then WE WILL BE UP TO THE ISLAND THE LAST WEEKEND OF THE MONTH! Woohoo!

  8. we woke we to everything covered in over 4" of very wet heavy snow. most gone by night fall but it hung around in the shaded areas for days. everything is so green. the apple blossoms are gorgeous and everyday it seems a different wild flower has bloomed. mark remowed the path thru the apple orchard so i have a nice little walk. i miss kauai alot but i sure love living up here in da UP


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