
Friday, May 7, 2010


I've been crazy busy lately - feverishly making mittens and pins to fulfill an order for Mittens. Two shops on the island, Some Wear on Mackinac (located next to the Gate House) and The Jaunting Cart (located on Market Street right across from the Biddle House) are carrying mittens and pins this summer. It's so exciting! In the week the shops have been open only two pairs have sold, but that's O.K. - it's a start. Now I've got dresses and blankets to finish up for Little Luxuries. So if you happen to be looking for me this weekend, you'll find me in my sewing room.


  1. Enjoy your sewing weekend! (I'll be working) We're expecting 6" of snow in Mqt this weekend....

  2. Have fun Liz - I LOVE those flower pins!

  3. You can rest assured that I will be looking for pins when we come up in June.

  4. Beautiful work Liz! Gonna have to hunt me down some mittens and pins when I come up in a few weeks! I told hubby how beautiful they are!

  5. Love the mitten shot, Liz! I wish you great success this summer with your mitten and pin sales.

  6. Your work is just beautiful!!
    Happy sewing and a very
    Happy Mother's Day to you!!

  7. I didn't know you started knitting! Cool!

  8. I love the pins, Liz! Now I just have to make it up there to your neck of the woods on vacation...someday...

  9. Love the flower pins! I am sure they will be a big seller! Do mittens sell during the spring/summer up there?


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