
Thursday, May 20, 2010

Keeping Cozy

I've made a bunch of these tea cozies lately. I wanted to get them made and delivered to The Jaunting Cart before the lilacs opened. Let me tell you, I just made my deadline because the lilac trees on my street started to open yesterday. The only down side to Mackinac lilacs in mid-May is that they may all be gone before the Lilac Festival.

This year the festival is June 11-20. If you are on the island during Lilac Festival you may want to pick up one of this year's festival posters. I'm thinking I need one for myself...


  1. Your tea cozy is beautiful!!! Love the poster - wish I could come!

  2. oooh, how pretty!

    When my hubby leaves for his "extended vacation in the sandbox" I usually plan some trips... I think the lilac festival might need to be on the list for next May.

  3. Alas, as it would turn out, we have to postpone our June trip to the island. Maybe we'll get there this fall. I do hope that there are some flower pins left on the island by then!

  4. Those tea cozies are adorable!! My big lilacs are done blooming but I bought a "reblooming lilac" bush yesterday at an Amish nursery and am excited to see how it turns out.
    Have a great weekend!!

  5. Can't wait to see the beautiful lilacs! We'll (dh & I) be up next Thur-Sun! Woohoo! My son's whole 8th grade is on the island right now as we speak. They came up Thursday and spent the night...they are all being housed at the Murray Hotel & The Inn On Mackinac. He'll be home tonight. Looks like you have been so busy sewing all your beautiful things! Can't wait to check them out at the shops next week! Hugs! Melody

  6. Beautiful Liz! Love the fabric you are using.

    Our lilac's bloomed a few weeks ago. Now my Miss Kim lilac's are stealing the show. What a beautful fragrance.

  7. The festival sounds like so much fun -- wish I could be there!

    Great work on the tea cozies -- they're adorable!

  8. Your tea cozies are adorable! Makes me wish I drank tea instead of coffee! Hope you have good luck in selling them!

  9. Liz, the Lilac Tea Cozy's are beautiful. Now I remember seeing some of your cozy's at the Jaunting Cart and I almost bought one, if I had known you made them it would have been a done deal. I am coming to the island the end of June, hopefully there will be some left.


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