
Monday, May 17, 2010

Green Home on Mackinac?

A team from Lansing Community College won the BuildUp Michigan design challenge and plans to start building their winning design on Mackinac Island this fall. According to Jeromy Clements, a member of the winning team, it will be "a 3,075-square foot, Victorian-style house, lathered in solar panels."

I love the idea that it is supposed to be a "net-zero" home; one which creates as much energy as it consumes. However, one island development has banned hanging laundry outside to to dry; how would they feel about a home covered in solar panels (in a historic district)? So now I'm curious; has the design has been approved by our local planning commission or the development's association? Does the City Council knows anything about it? And, of course, where will it be built? I'm not against the idea, I just want more information...


  1. I love green homes. And I'm always fascinated by areas that have banned hanging laundry out... you'll have to keep us updated if you answer any of your very good questions!

  2. "lathered in solar panels" is my absolute favorite phrase e-v-e-r!

    I look forward to hearing what you find out about the homeowner association rulings. I wonder if green architecture would be looked at more fondly than, say, green underwear :-)

  3. Hm. I wonder if the ban on laundry will stand - given that communities are trying to go green. A city near me just approved people keeping chickens - in the city! I'd love to see this house covered with solar panels, and to know how well it works in Michigan's climate, which seems mostly grey for a good portion of the year.

  4. A ban on hanging out laundry?!! Hmm, that's not thinking green. Hopefully the development you mentioned will overturn their desion.

  5. Sounds interesting. Though I love Victorian era architecture, I have to admit that I often cringe at the thought of modern doesn't quite look the same with new materials! Regardless, though, it should be interesting...are there drawings out there?

  6. I used to love hanging laundry outside - but then our lab Payton decided that I was simply putting those clothes out there for him to play with :-). I'll be interested to hearing more about the house plans.
    Happy Wednesday!

  7. Looks like they plan to build it out near the airport - in the laundry-free development. Plus they plan to make it a rental.


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