
Thursday, January 14, 2010

New Year's Fun

New Year's on Mackinac has been a tradition with my friends and me for a long time. Including the gatherings that occurred before I had my own place on the island, and subtracting the one year hubby and I were off the island just after we got married, this year marked my 20th Mackinac Island New Year's Eve celebration.

Usually everyone arrives on the ferry, well except for last year when some friends missed the boat. I just love that little tree on the bow.

Then the fun begins.
This year it included snowmobiling, bird watching*,



and taking apart a flat screen TV.

Let me tell you, it doesn't take long for six sets of hands to tear down a television. You should have seen them; "I'm taking this piece home... Mom, can I take this home?" I was thrilled to see the girls right in there with screwdrivers holding their own amongst the four older boys. I'm always impressed at how our nine kids (ages three through fifteen) get along so well.

*Keith, the botanist of the group, told us that by looking at the tips of the tail feathers he could tell this owl was less than one year old. Keith didn't hear it hoot so he couldn't tell if it was a male or a female.


  1. I love the sledding picture. Flying through the air, it looks like great fun.

  2. Wow! I can't believe the air on that sledding pic, looks like alot of fun!!

  3. Love the picture of the owl....Very neat. And of course, the airborn sled.

  4. Beautiful barred owl and what a great sledding shot! Are you going to offer an explanation of why the activity was taking apart a flat screen TV? Or just leave it to our imaginations? :)

  5. What a gorgeous owl! Looks like everyone had fun!

  6. Great pics - looks like fun! But do tell why you were taking a tv apart!

  7. The destruction of the TV was a bit of a tradition. One year, we had no snow and it was bitter cold. The kids needed something to stay occupied since outside play was no fun. So, out of desperation, I rounded up several old hard drives and let them take them apart. Lots of cool(STRONG!) magnets inside as well as motors, circuit boards, wire, etc. They ate it up. Ever since I have made a point of having some sort of tear-down waiting for them. I think last year's victim was a VCR. This year, I had nothing waiting so I dump picked the TV. DO NOT DO THIS WITH AN OLD TUBE TV!! There is lethal voltage in the older CRT TVs long after they are unplugged. I chose a LCD TV because I knew there were no big capacitors inside.

    I used to get in big trouble as a kid when I took things apart (usually because I never put them back together.) I love seeing the kids begin to understand how these devices are put together. Technology should NOT be mysterious!

  8. Wow. You live in such a great place. Great pictures.

  9. Liz, these are great shots! Every one! I love seeing Mackinac Island through your eyes - always.

    Loved the Payne's gray tones of the loading dock with only the Holiday lights adding color. Great perspective of the snowshoe and then there is that shot of the airborne sled.


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