
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Neither Wind, Nor Rain, Nor Sleet, Nor Snow...

Lots of people ask me how I get my mail. I never really thought about it, but life on Mackinac is "different" from mainland life, so it doesn't surprise me that people are curious...

Mackinac Island's mail starts out like all other U.S. mail - at the Post Office, but that's where the similarities end. When my children send letters to their grandparents, those letters leave the Post Office and get a dray ride up to the airport,

where they wait on a cart,

until they are loaded into the plane
and flown to the mainland.

Once the plane lands in St. Ignace, the letters are picked up by a USPS truck and taken on the rest of their journey. Island mail often takes a bit longer to arrive than mail sent from the mainland, so we just make sure to give our bills an extra day or two to make it to their destination. Occasionally, in the winter when there is snow, sleet and freezing rain we may go several days without mail. In the 17 years that I've been here, I think the longest we've gone without mail (due to the plane's inability to fly in bad weather) was three days. It's not really a problem though - especially now that I have email!

As for getting our letters and packages, the island does not have home delivery; everyone has to go to the Post Office to pick up their mail. Luckily, my husband usually takes care of that chore.

However, UPS does deliver (thank goodness.) That's how I got these:

My new Ott lights! Joann's was having a 50% off sale and I had a free shipping coupon. I've only had them four days and now I can't imagine not having them - they're that good!


  1. Wow - look at that fabulous light!!

    Funny, mail on an island doesn't seem out of the ordinary to me as I live in an area of islands. But I suppose it does provide certain logistical problems. I am always amazed more by the mail delivery in the Northern parts of Canada, which is really about 65% of the country!

  2. Woohoo - congrats on the great lights!

  3. I never thought about the mail getting up there (or down here) before! To only go 3 days with how nasty the weather can be is quite an achievement in my book!

    And now I need me one of those lights, that looks fabulous!

  4. I've just posted a blog singing my new daylight lamp's praises! I also got mine recently and cannot fathom how I managed without it. Hope you're enjoying yours as much as I am mine...

  5. Great lights!
    I like your little anecdotes about your life on your island :o)

  6. Good morning to you! I will never grumble about having to walk 10 feet down my sidewalk and across the little county street to put my mail in the box again! Thank you for sharing your mail story and about your cool lights!

  7. Funny how things most of us take for granted are a bit challenging in more remote areas - like "islands"!

    Thanks so much for sharing the visuals! I especially liked the shot of the pony and dray!

  8. I am always interested in life on the island! I've been wondering about the OTT lights too, but have not broken down and bought them yet.

  9. i always enjoy your peeks into island life...thanks for sharing...and that ott light. wow. is that for crafting? it really looks like it would be very good for your eyes.

  10. Hi Liz,
    I am glad you came by, so that I could find your blog! Well obviously you know I love Mackinac Island. I have been there 3 times and that is not nearly enough. I will add you to my blog list so I can keep up to date on the happenings. We are about 8 hours from there, shorter if we take the ferry. Cindy


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