
Friday, October 23, 2009


"I have trotted around the globe and back again in pursuit of my duties and the quest of pleasure; I have been privileged to look upon many of the world's fairest scenes... and I know of no locality so lovely as this."

Spoken by a nameless retired English army officer who was "a nature lover with an eye to the beautiful," and quoted in Mackinac Island and Sault Ste. Marie - Picturesque & Legendary by Stanley Newton, published in 1909.

I must say, I wholeheartedly agree...

What does your neck of the woods look like this time of year?


  1. I have to say I agree. Your hometown/island is one of the most beautiful places on earth...or at least one of my favorite places! You are blessed my friend! :)

  2. I agree, it's very lovely where you live. Your pics are, as usual, so very nice.

  3. It looks wet. Wet, and dark. A burst of colour off a maple tree against a background of dark firs and cedars and hemlocks.

    I remember the east coast colour. We get a lot of colour but it is always offset by our massive evergreens all around.

  4. Doesn't look like your lovely pictures! Our maple tree has been very colorful though. Everywhere we've lived, there have been things that were beautiful and special to that area. The island, I have to say, is very special. Could that be because of some people who live there?

  5. Your autumn colours are beautiful. We're doing Spring right now. Come see

  6. Beautiful! My little corner of the world is VERY wet right now....soggy leaves everywhere, lol!

  7. i watched the end of "out of africa" and made me think of when i left kauai. not that that part of africa was anything like kauai but leaving the warmth for the cold north...her denmark, me da UP. but i love it up her. my son is slowly coming to terms with that one. i miss him dearly but i so needed a change and a change in deed i got. the fall colors are uncompareable. we almost missed it this year. they came so fast and early and then with the early snow and high winds. our yard is under sever inches of snow and it is supposed to snow all week...mark commented we probably wont get to rake this year...but they will be waiting for us come spring time.

  8. Breathtaking! I've always wanted to visit Mackinac Island... and now know to do it in the Fall.

  9. Thanks for visiting my blog.. your pictures look great.. I had a regret of not taking snaps of the carriages..but happy to find in yours !


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