
Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Autumn Love

Two other teachers and I took the entire Mackinac Island kindergarten through fifth grade (all 29 of them) to the pumpkin patch the other day. And while it involved confronting my worst fear, it was a perfect day.

I'm always nervous taking kids, specifically other people's kids, off the island on field trips because I worry about losing one of them. (Probably all teachers do.) It puts my stomach in knots just thinking about it. Despite the fact that we count, recount and then recount again just to make sure, I always have this nagging feeling that I am missing someone. Thank goodness I never have - all that counting and recounting ( not to mention really good kids) has paid off.

Now, with that in mind picture this -me (the worried counter) letting my students lose in this:

the corn maze.

Talk about facing one's fears! Now each group had a parent with them, the kids loved it, and they all had a fantastic time. You'll have to take my word for how much fun a rousing game of Marco Polo is inside a corn maze. Once we were all back together (and accounted for - twice) I stopped sweating and was able to admit just what a great time it was.

And I didn't worry the whole time - while in the maze I was able to pick up a shopping bag full of popcorn to dry and enjoy later this fall. Mmmmmmmmmm fresh popcorn...


  1. My kids have only been on one field trip without me and that was nervewracking! Not because I didn't trust the teachers, but because when you take your eyes off kids they tend to go the strangest things! And being responsible for others kids... Can't imagine the stress. But I'm glad you managed to have fun:)

  2. I can't even imagine! I'm afraid enough that I'll lose one of my own kids when we go somewhere, let alone taking a bunch of other peoples children!

  3. I remember that my Dad grew a little popcorn on the farm. We dried it in the corn house and then popped it in one of those old wire baskets that you shake on the stove. I guess you can still buy them but no one does it that way!

  4. Liz, Thanks for commenting on my blog - I look forward to reading through your blog. As you know, I LOVE the island. It has to be wonderful to live there!! My daughter wants to go and work there for a summer. I am a former teacher - taught 2nd grade for awhile and then homeschooled my own children for 17 years. Right now I'm working in a library. Your library was unfortunately closed the day I was there. I was hoping to take a peek! :)

  5. I know EXACTLY how you feel about field trips! My last year of teaching (5-6 years ago) I had a group of 28 fifth graders. We took a 3-day trip from the Flint area to Manistee, where we boarded a scientific research boat to study aquatic life in Lake Michigan. We had a blast! We camped in a campground overlooking the lake, and for two days were on the water during the day. I was scarred silly! All that water... all those kids... night trips to the outhouse... YIKES!

  6. It's hard enough to take a field trip when all you have to do is herd them onto a bus - can't imagine adding a ferry into the mix! Looks like you had a lovely day!


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