
Thursday, October 29, 2009


my new best friend...

Presumed H1N1 has hit Mackinac Island with a vengeance. 24% of our kids were sick on Tuesday and 30% of the kids were out of school on Wednesday. So the principal sent us home yesterday with orders not to return until Monday.

According to our doctor, people born before 1958 are at extremely low risk for getting sick with H1N1. She said a very similar flu went around sometime in the 60s or early 70s and most older folks are immune. So the kids and I hopped on the 9:00 am boat this morning and have had a wonderful day visiting with Great Grandma Mary and Grandpa Jack. (Both born well before '58.)

And don't worry - we aren't infecting the folks down here - their schools have been closed longer than the island's has...


  1. Stay healthy.

    We're hoping to get vaccinated in the next couple of weeks. It's not at our school yet, but a friend who is a teacher says there are confirmed cases at her school just down the road.

  2. We're dealing with this at my house too, but it's extremely mild. My oldest had it over the weekend.

  3. Yikes! I hope everybody stays as healthy as possible!

  4. May you all have a healthy fall/winter season! Be blessed!
    Happy Halloween! :)

  5. Our school had an H1N1 vaccination clinic on Monday, but just for kids and teachers. Regular handwashing is my only defense. Hope it works.

  6. Enjoy your weekend. Hummmmm....I wonder if that was what all 4 of us had in the early 70's. I was as sick as I ever remember being. A had it first. Dr. said we'd all have it. Before we were home from dr. via drugstore, I was sick. K was the last one....she was only about 5 and she was waiting on the rest of us until she too was sick! Yuck....I wouldn't wish that on anyone. Stay well!

  7. Yikes! At least there is one comfort in being old now! Hope you stay healthy and enjoy a few days off! It hasn't hit our school yet, but I'm sure it will. It's the new "snow day!"

  8. keep your hands washed and stay healthy!

  9. 1971 to be exact...bernie was two, i was newly abandoned by my husband and i got the swine flu. after a couple of weeks i crawled to my doctor and he wanted to put me in the hospital. i laughed and told him, heck, i am better now. i cannot for the life of me remember who or how poor young bernie was taken care of...maybe my parents came to see me, saw how sick i was, took the kid and left...i hope that is what happened. but my lungs have never been the same. before i got a pnemonia shot i would get micoplasma pamoania several times a year. getting out of tropics has helped my lungs hugely. i worry about tori, since her near drowing when she was 1 1/2 her lungs are fragile and her dumb mother smokes. she is not supposed to smoke around tori but tht doesnt stop her....grrrrrrrr


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