
Saturday, October 31, 2009

Happy Halloween

Anyone that knows me knows I am a huge Barenaked Ladies fan. (I'll pause for a moment as my old roommates shudder at the memory of If I had a Million Dollars played over, and over.) Hence, Ed Robertson's face carved into a pumpkin. This is by far my most complicated portrait pumpkin to date. I must admit - they look a lot harder to carve then they really are. All you need is a good photo, carbon paper, and linoleum carving tools (similar to these.) If I remember, I'll do a tutorial next year...

Happy Halloween!


  1. Happy Halloween! Your pumpkin is awesome! Our kids trick or treat tonight.

  2. That's awesome! I love BNL, too...and now have my kids hooked! lol!!

  3. This is amazing! You'll have to post it to their myspace or something...

  4. This pumpkin is just fabulous! My family is gathered around my computer in admiration. While singing BNL songs ;-)

  5. Wow! Fantastic job! They don't look hard...they look impossible!!! Happy Halloween!

  6. That is the coolest pumpkin ever! :) I'm a huge BNL fan myself, so it's nice to see Ed's familiar mug again (although I wonder if Tyler would look better on a pumpkin...?). ;) Happy Halloween!

  7. You're an amazing artist. Too bad your art rots after a few days.

    Can you tell me how you put your website stamp on your photos?

  8. Happy Halloween! Your pumpkin is awesome :o)

  9. That is a fantastic pumpkin! Unlike my pumpkin episode this year where I was helping the 3 year old, and I accidentally removed the nose. At that point said 3 year old decided to tell me that he was sad because we was dissapointed about the nose... And the procceded to ditch me for a Spongebob episode!

  10. Best pumpkin EVER!

    (I love BNL too but I must admit they lost some points with me when they stopped mid-song at a concert I was attending so Steven Page could lecture the audience about throwing things at the stage - kraft dinner of course ;) )

  11. You rock, I think that's the best pumpkin ever! I was just listening to BNL the other day :)

    Happy Halloween!!

  12. I am SO impressed with your pumpkin!!!!!!!!

  13. unbelievable pumpkin carving! wow! that's just amazing...I gotta go check out your last's years pumpkin.

  14. i LOVE your pumpkins! wow a tutorial in time for halloween next year would be great!

  15. What a fabulous pumpkin! Thanks for your comment on my blog. I've already started recommending Mackinac Island to everyone I know. :)

  16. GREAT pumpkin Liz!
    My husband hasn't tried that style yet. Maybe with your tutorial he could try it next year!

  17. very kool...yes, we would all love a tutorial on pumpkin carving. by then we can have our knives, photo, carbon paper and of course the old pumpkin. iwill have to do buddy holly or mark will not be impressed...he is such a dink sometimes


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