
Saturday, September 19, 2009

Weekend Sewing Project # 2

Fat Quarter Napkins

I didn't use fat quarters. I bought yardage and cut it instead. Except for the backs; those are made from a curtain I made to fit a window in a house we lived in a very long time ago. (Which the pack rat in me knew would come in handy someday. So what if we moved out of that house six years ago and I still had the curtain in my basement.) Of course, I didn't buy enough fabric to make the eight napkins I need for the party, so I ended up with six peppermint ones and two blue ones. Somehow I don't think the birthday boy will mind. He'll just have fun choosing which napkin he wants to use.

I love the weight of these napkins. Since they are two layers of fabric they are heavier than you expect when you pick them up. They ended up taking more time than the ones I make by just rolling the edges on my serger, but I do like how these turned out. They would have been twice as expensive too if I hadn't already had the backing fabric, so I probably won't make these again for myself due to the extra cost. But, they would make a nice gift.

I love making a set of napkins for my son and daughter's family birthday dinners. They look quite festive sitting on the table and every time throughout the year we reuse them, the kids end up reminiscing about their birthday. I get to hear their memories from that day. It is wonderful I tell you, to hear their thoughts pour out. Often they are things I wouldn't have expected them to remember. Plus, this set will be perfect to use around Christmas...


  1. Can't beat double duty napkins - they look very festive!

  2. Birthday napkins! What a great idea! These are just too cute for words ...

  3. Liz,
    I hate admitting this,but I have just spent an hour really checking out your blog for the first time. I've visited a couple of times before, but I really took the time tonight to discover what it is all about, and I LOVE it! Hope it's ok with you if I put it on my blogroll. You have so much to share, and I know my readers will all learn something PLUS get to hear from another Mackinac Island resident. Brenda (Bree)

  4. i like the idea of making napkins for a special occasion and then remembering that occasion whenever you use them...they turned out so adorable. they'll also be great during the holidays!

  5. Great idea to make special napkins for birthday parties to be used again and again through the year. I bet 10 years from now, if you bring them out, they will still bring back memories!

  6. These turned out really cute! I love the peppermint fabric and talked my mom into buying some this weekend.

  7. Alright, this is an old post that I noticed at the bottom of another post, but I HAD to ask if you ever saw this post of mine: Lol


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