
Thursday, September 17, 2009

King Candy

This year we have a new addition to our family birthday traditions: the birthday crown.

It just seemed the year to do it because, you know, when you get to the end of the Candyland game you arrive at the Candy Castle to hob knob with King Candy. And, of course, what five year-old doesn't love a crown.

I made it with buckram (it was leftover from making 1830s bonnets when I use to work at Fort Mackinac) that I covered in fabric. The buckram worked perfectly - I'm so glad I remembered I had it tucked away in my daughter's closet. (I'm also glad I wrote down my son's head measurement earlier this summer.) The crown is wonderfully light and I think my son will be really excited when he gets it on Sunday morning. Next week it will probably end up in the costume box, which is just fine with me.


  1. What a cute idea.

    Reminds me of when I worked at pre-school and we had a special chair called "The Birthday Throne" which the birthday child sat in while everyone else sang "Happy Birthday" to them.

  2. It looks fantastic, I am sure your son will love it! I can't wait to see pictures of the party.

  3. Marvelous crown! Happy birthday to your boy :-)

  4. Love the birthday crown. Happy birthday little one. Thanks for adding me to your blog roll.

  5. How cute! I'm sure he will be thrilled!

  6. What a cute little crown!
    Great idea!

  7. That is a GREAT idea! I love it. Turned out wonderful!

  8. It looks like such a fun party for S. Hope the day goes great!

  9. This is a really good idea, and easy. My boys love to play (alittle) bit of dress-up and a crown would be perfect on their birthday.

  10. I love the napkins. I have never even thought about making them. What a great "first project" for kids learning to sew. This crown is so adorable!!


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