
Thursday, September 24, 2009


This post contains graphic images of my son's broken arm. If you are squeamish, do not read any further.

I'm serious, quit now.

For those of you who are still here, my poor little guy went back to the ER today because he broke his arm. S and a friend were playing and jumping and the friend landed on S's arm - accidentally breaking it. Oops.

He was such a trooper. After it happened he just walked over to the sitter and said, "I think I broke my bone." She took one look at his arm, sat him down with an ice pack, called me and we all raced to the Medical Center. Surprisingly, he didn't cry. She said he didn't cry at all. Even when he saw me.

It didn't take an X-ray to tell he had a broken arm. Thank goodness it was just a "green stick" fracture so setting it wasn't very difficult. Even so, I still couldn't look at it right away. When I was finally able to look, this is what I saw:

He finally did cry, OK he screamed bloody murder, when he realized they were going to give him a "poke" - an IV so they could give him medication. Dr. Karen gave him morphine for the pain so she could set the bone and versed so he wouldn't remember having it set. The versed worked well. She gave him two injections of painkiller right into the break sites - neither of which he remembers. But he remembers that poke, but says his bent arm didn't hurt that much.

After the bones were set Dr. Karen splinted it. We have to go back on Monday to get the cast. I didn't realize that they don't cast broken bones right away due to the swelling.

Poor little fella. After a walk home in Papa's basket, S ended up having a wonderful afternoon at home - watching all the TV he wanted. (A rare treat at our place.)

Given that my son has more accident slips at preschool than all the other kids do - combined, somehow I think we'll end up at the ER again someday. However, I am keeping my fingers crossed that we don't see it again soon!


  1. Oh, the poor little birthday boy! What a dreadful thing :-(

    I hope his arm heals well -- and quickly! You're all in my thoughts ...

  2. I didn't know about waiting for the swelling to go down before plastering the arm - until my son broke his wrist and elbow last week! Must be the time of year for breaks! Although I will admit that your son's x ray was much more graphic than mine! Hope he is feeling okay by now, poor little fella.

  3. Oh my goodness! How awful. And it sounds like he was so brave and calm.

    I hope he heals quickly and feels better soon.

  4. Oh no! Here's to a speedy recovery for your little guy. What a year this has been for your family!

  5. Poor little guy!!! Poor Mom! Hugs for you both.

  6. That does look pretty gross! Best wishes to him for a speedy recovery. I think broken bones give us great stories to tell when we are older.

    PS: I finally blogged one of my Weekend Sewing projects!

  7. Oh poor little guy, I hope he heals up fast!

  8. Poor baby and Mommy. Hope he gets better soon. And he just turned 5, not a baby.

  9. Hugs to our little fella. Mom might need one too!

  10. Kids heal so fast. It's so hard on mom and dad. My thoughts are with you all.

  11. Poor little guy!!!!!!! I'm squeamish, but nosy too, I had to look. Bless his heart. Praying it heals quickly!
    I'm very surprised my boys never broke bones - especially my youngest, the daredevil who got hurt on a daily basis!

  12. OMG! Poor baby! It's amazing the difference between how the x-ray looks and the actual shot of his arm! What a trooper he is for not crying about it! I hope he heals up fast, for his sake AND yours!

  13. oh goodness! poor little guy. i hope you can both get some rest and he'll stay 'down' for a while to let it heal. :)

  14. Wow. That is an impressive break.

  15. Lots of speedy healing vibes headed your way. I can't believe he was such a brave little guy! ouch, ouch, ouch!

  16. I can't imagine how you must have felt seeing his arm looking like it did. So sorry he had to go through this, I hope all knits back together in record time.

  17. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  18. Poor little guy! But sounds like he was so brave.

  19. Belteshazzar Mouse said...

    I cried when I broke my arm. I was about his age. I do not remember it looking like that, though I remember it looked bent. I tried to hide it from my Mom and she noticed right away.

    Tell S we are thinking of him (you know what that means 8^).

  20. Ow Ow Ow - poor guy! Thoughts and prayers for speeedy healing!

  21. Poor little fella! He seems to be very brave!

  22. Wow! That really is a bad break. I'm glad that he's all put back together and recovering. I'm so grateful for pain medication and good doctors that take care of us.


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