
Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Sugar Rush

The Candyland birthday bash went off without a hitch. I knew it was a big hit when my son looked at me and said, "Mama - you're the best ever! I love you." He wore his shirt and his crown all evening and even wore the crown to the babysitter's house today.

Pretty much everything was homemade. From the garland that circled the room,

to the napkins, the centerpieces (sorry - I didn't get a decent picture of them - they are made out of rock candy) and the place cards on the table. (I'll explain the Snow White thing in a minute.)

The table was completely covered with candy - so much so that everyone got a toothbrush to take home. Luckily Halloween isn't too far off so I can get rid of all the leftover candy. If it doesn't disappear, I'll end up eating all of it. And I do mean all of it!

Snow White really couldn't make it - that is what my daughter calls Cousin Dwight. We thought he'd get a chuckle out of it if we put it on his place card.

And, my son loved his cake. Which was a really good thing - because Papa usually makes the cakes in these parts. This year he couldn't because he was out of town fishing until the morning of the party. Gulp! That meant I had to do it...

I had wanted to do more of the of the game board on the top of the cake, but after I had the batter mixed up I couldn't find my cake pan. Aargh! Luckily a neighbor was willing to loan me hers to get me out of the pinch; it was just smaller than mine. But everything ended up turning out all right in the end. Since I can't pipe / decorate with frosting to save my life, I cheated and used other things instead - namely more candy! The little gingerbread house was my son's favorite part of the whole day. In fact, he skipped cake and ice cream and just munched on that house. After all my worries about whether or not that stinking cake would turn out or not, I'm so glad that he liked it. Papa's cakes are a tough act to follow.

Phew. Now that that's over, I can sleep for a day or two and then start thinking about Halloween costumes...


  1. Liz, you are the Party Queen! That cake is awesome! All the decorations are too. And I LOVE the blue walls!

  2. Great job with the cake ... and the party! Are you available for hire??? ;-)

  3. That cake looks absolutely delicious! Everything looks amazing.

  4. What an awesome feat. He will remember all the bits of effort from you. Glad he enjoyed the day.

  5. What a fun party. Very lucky boy I'm sure he'll remember it always.

  6. WOW! You are amazing! What a beautiful/awesome party...from the decorations to the cake...EVERYTHING! Your children are blessed. What a mom!

  7. I am so in awe of your talents! I don't know how in the world you find time to do all you do! Great job on the party, the cake, the decorations, everything! Wow!

  8. What a cool party Liz! Love the applique shirt and the crown.

  9. What a cool party Liz! Love the applique shirt and the crown.

  10. Liz, it looks like the party was a big success. I haven't had much blog reading time this week so it was nice to catch up and get to read the whole story of the prep for the party. I love the t-shirt and might steal it soon. Very cute.

  11. The party looks like so much fun for everyone. Great job Liz!


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