
Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Mother Necessity

They say necessity is the mother of invention...

When S broke his arm the Medical Center did give us a sling to use, but the strap really bothered his neck. That night I presented my son with a stack of fabric from my stash, he chose Nemo (thank you Maggie) and I got to work. Well, I got to work after hearing him explain how I needed to cut the fabric so he could see Nemo, Dorey, and a shark. He went over it twice - just to make sure I got it right. (Yeah, I'm pretty sure he inherited that one from me.)

Again, my pack rat nature ended up being a good thing. See that shoulder strap with the nice little closure? I took that off of a pair of jeans my mother gave me and squirrelled it away about eight years ago. The jeans were cut up and now live in a blue jean quilt but all the while that little strap survived two moves and then languished in a drawer in my sewing room - just waiting, knowing some day it would save the day.

Since the strap on the other sling was really bothering his neck, I covered this one with two layers of fleece that I inherited from my friend Wendy. There's that pack rat again...

Wearing the sling still isn't his favorite thing, but I think this one is at least tolerable.


  1. MOTY! MOTY! (Mother of the year...)

  2. You are a rock star! That is an amazing sling - great job!

  3. hey, you don't know me, but I happened to stumble onto your blog (don't you love the WWW?) and I got hooked, because a) you're a crafter and you sew really cool stuff, and b) you live on Mackinac Island. I grew up just south of Flint, and Mackinac is one of my FAVORITE places in the world, so jealousy insists I keep reading what you post. :) I love this sling! It is seriously cool, and if either of my boys ever break their arm I might leave a comment asking for some instructions. Thank you for blogging, they're so fun to read!

  4. That is seriously sharp! When K and S grow up, they're going to find out that not everyone had a mom as talented as you who can create a built-to-order anything to fit whatever need they might have.

  5. I was admiring S's sling at the hoedown. I didn't realize you made it. It looked so professional. Of course, that is no surprise as all your stuff is amazingly, beautifully sewn!!

    I'm going to fabric shopping tomorrow before my sock knitting class at Joanne's. Will look for the halloween fabric you requested :-)

  6. How clever you are, the shark is marvellous.

  7. This is so cute! I think you got the shark just right. I love that fabric. And it looks very comfortable. Hooray for pack-ratting!

  8. EIGHT YEARS! Is that a record or something? The sling looks great.


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