
Monday, September 28, 2009

Cash for Klunkers

Today my son traded-in his splint

for a brand new cast

and even though it doesn't involve a tax credit, Mama is thrilled.

Thrilled because even though he has to wear the cast for a month, it's waterproof, so bath time won't be an issue, and there are no more physical restrictions. Yeah! That cast is rock solid and the doctor tells me his arm will be fine even if he falls and lands right on it. Which he did this morning with his splint and it scared me to death!

I'm just in awe how breaking his arm hasn't slowed S down at all, so I've been cringing about every five minutes. S loves to run and jump and spin and no matter how much I tried to keep him slow, it just wasn't going to happen. You've got to remember this is the little boy who can trip over his own two feet alone in a gym and has more accident reports on file in the pre-school room than all the other children - combined. (I think he must have inherited that from his father's side of the family.)


  1. And I thought my son was the clumsiest on earth! We have yet to break a bone, I dread the thought. Glad to hear S hasn't slowed down, that break looked nasty. Enjoy autumn on the island, in all the craziness lately, I've been longing to be must be beautiful.

  2. Not knowing anything about the combination of boys + casts, I asked the plaster nurse if Dragon should go to school the following day. She replied, "Yep, that'll be fine. The only thing he will have to worry about is his cast hurting someone else if they run into it."

    And it is amazing how it does not slow the down one little bit - even playing basketball is not a problem! (Although we won't let him try to ride his bike!!)

  3. Yahoo! That should help protect him. Be warned those casts do start to have an odor after a couple of weeks - maybe put some baby powder in after a bath and you're sure it's dry.

  4. Kids sure are resilient aren't they! Glad you can breath a sigh of relief now!

  5. Wow waterproof, that's a change from the casts of olden days (and a relief for mamas of little boys for sure!)

  6. good stuff! :D
    that broken picture was pretty freaky!

  7. Glad he's adjusting well to it. My little one had a broken arm at 5 years old, was not fun at all!

  8. Where have I been? So sorry to read about his little/big injury. Ooch! Glad to know your thrilled. Its hard to be a Mamma.

  9. I'm so glad to know he's on the mend and hasn't missed a beat! Thank goodness for waterproof casts!

  10. I sure didn't know they had water proof casts now! I remember vividly trying to put my leg in a bag and hang it out the shower door!

    His father's side of the family DOES seem to be the group with the broken parts!!!


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