
Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Giddy-Up and Go

Each week, when we are on the island, my son takes riding lessons through 4-H. (My daughter isn't old enough yet.)

He loves to ride Ginger Snap - a little pony just his size.

Often, papa's bees come check out the lessons, too.

I just love it when he's finished - he usually rubs the horse's head and says, "Thank you." It makes me smile every time.

When you live on Mackinac, learning to ride is a must. While he may not learn to love riding, I'm hoping he'll develop a healthy respect for these animals who are such an important part of our lives.


  1. sweet pictures, I love it when I hear children say thank you.

  2. It seems so exotic to me to take horseback riding lessons! Funny what seems exotic to one is everyday for another. It looks like you guys have been having a wonderful summer.

  3. Oh but how could you not love horses - one of God's finest creatures, I think. He looks so cute on his pony!

  4. S is becoming such a beautiful little man! Did I ever tell you I learned to ride on our little Shetland pony, Peanut, when I was S's age? I grew up with Peanut and rode whenever I visited my dad. Haven't thought of Peanut in a while...thanks for the memory nudge :-)

  5. You kids are so cute. I love the horses. Got your pattern. Love it.

  6. Didn't know about the horses! Motor bikes and bicycles and boats yes but horses too? Your children are blessed beyond measure being raised in this environment and by two wonderful, creative and loving parents.

  7. Someone told me that when I girl gets on a horse, she's happy just to sit there and be close to the horse. When a boy sits on a horse, he wants to see how fast he can go. I don't thinks this sounds like your boy.

  8. how cute is that! 4-h is so fabulous. my kids learned so much.

  9. That's so cute that he tells the horse thank you! btw - I waved at you when we went by! ;0)


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