
Monday, July 27, 2009


Our recent little vacation revolved around the little ones. In addition to spending lots of time with grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins and friends, the kids and I:

went to Chuck E Cheese's for the first time,

caught lots of tadpoles,
(She'll hold tadpoles in her hand but is terrified of spiders.)

got flushed down the gigantic toilet at kidscommons,

ate yummy ice cream

spent an afternoon at the county fair,

munching on this,
(It's my favorite.)

and this,

because we wanted to see this.
(My nephew's ribbon-winning entry in the fair.)

But what a great trip - now you see why I needed a rest! I am so impressed by my mother-in-law; she's always got great ideas for fun things that all the grand kids (ages 3-10) love. My two are already asking when we are going back to see Grandma and Grampie. When you're only three or four, next summer seems like a lifetime away. Thank goodness for the telephone...


  1. Such a lot of fun activities! Love the pictures!

  2. Sure looks like you had a great time. I haven't been posting as I'm just enjoying the Summer. Good to check in with you though.

  3. What a fun trip for everyone! Did you read any of the books you brought along?

  4. Looks like a GREAT time was had by all! That ice cream looks SO yummy....

  5. Looks like you had a great time!!!

  6. As usual - your most excellent photographic eye has created outstanding memories.

    Visits with Grand parents - they will most definitely be their most treasured memories when they grow up. Take them as possible.

  7. Ice cream in a glass and a nice place to eat it. That's what a good summer day is all about.

  8. totally fun...and i have to say i LOVE the giant toilet!

  9. What FABULOUS photos! You have a way of shooting things in an unusual way that make them interesting to look at.


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