
Thursday, July 30, 2009

Drum Roll Please

The new bike rack is finished, painted, and by the side of the house keeping track of all of our bikes. I can't believe I've lived on Mackinac Island for almost 17 years and never had a bike rack, but I must admit that this one was well worth the wait! I just love it A, thank you. Be sure to add that forge and anvil to your Christmas list. I have a feeling you are at the top of Santa's "nice" list.


  1. Great bike rack! What a handy guy ;-)

  2. Wow - excellent job!!! Yes, Santa better be good to him. *G*

  3. Enjoy your bike rack! And bake your man blueberry cobbler!

  4. What a cool idea to have for your HOUSE. I can't believe I've never thought of that!

    Thanks for your comment on MADE :)
    - dana

  5. WhooHooo.....looks GREAT! Good job, A.

  6. Hi Liz--- i'm just catchin up on some blog reading.
    sounds like you guys are having some fun!! the pictures of your trip are great!
    I'm not a fan of cotton candy personally.. yuck!! my second son loves it though.

  7. How fantastic! It's gorgeous (not something I ever thought I would say about a bike rack)! Kuddos to your Hubby!

  8. wow! he did such a good job on that one! isnt it great to have a man who can do stuff...i love it! would be in dire straits if he couldnt.... :-)

  9. it turned out fabulous! what a special rack! Love it!


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