
Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Urine for a Good Time

Eight old friends, who all use to work at the fort on the island, got together this weekend for our annual "Girl's Weekend." For some reason we all need a break come spring, so we abandon our husbands and children for a weekend of friends, food, and conversation, which gives us all a much needed recharge. This year we met at T's house because she and her husband, K, were starring in the Midland Theater Guild's production of Urinetown. (OK, they wouldn't say "starring," but I will. T even got mentioned by name in one of the reviews!)

According to the audition call put out by the Midland Center for the Arts, "Urinetown is a town plagued by a 20-year drought, where water has become so scarce that only the extremely wealthy can enjoy private toilets; the masses are at the mercy of a greedy corporation that has a stranglehold on the town’s public amenities and charges the townsfolk exorbitant fees to carry out their most private and basic needs. Surely, an uprising must be on the horizon. . . Who will lead the downtrodden citizens to conquer these tyrannical bureaucrats . . .? Famous songs from this fresh new musical include "It’s a Privilege to Pee" and "Run, Freedom, Run."

I know it sounds odd - I thought so too, but it was an absolute hoot and I loved it. (A Tony Award winning show can't be bad, now can it.) The best part was seeing such good friends in action for the first time - they were amazing as two of those "downtrodden citizens."
Hopefully they'll keep us all informed about any other shows they do, because I know I'll do whatever it takes to be there.


  1. sounds like fun and Girls Weekends are the best. I take one every summer, too!!!

  2. What a fun weekend! Nothing like getting away and do something out of the ordinary, especially with old friends.

  3. That sounds hysterical! What a great way to enjoy a weekend. Good for you!

  4. What a blog post title! I just had to come and see what it was about straight away. Sounds like a funny show - although the idea isn't that far fetched particularly around here when we were in drought. There was talk about recycling toilet water for drinking, and many towns had very strict water restrictions with some even having to truck water in from other areas.

    I love the idea of a girls weekend. I need one right now!

  5. Thanks for arranging it-- I had a fantastic time!

  6. It's always nice to get a little break. You must be counting down the days till you are on a nice long Summer break.

  7. how funny! when i saw the title for your post i thought, "what in the world is Liz writing about today!?"
    Glad you and your friends had a nice weekend away.

  8. Great title for a play and a blog post. Both are attention getting. If I see "Urinetown" around here, I'll definitely go see it.

  9. Thanks for the review. I wondered what that production was about. VBG
    You were in my neck of the mitten when you saw Urinetown. Glad you had a wonderful week-end.

  10. Thanks for the nice review, Liz. It was great having you and "the girls" over last weekend, and we're glad you enjoyed the show! Our home is open to all of you any time. -Kyle & Trena

  11. it's a great described it just right! a hoot!! glad you had some time with the girls for r and r...and a bit of hilarity!


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