
Thursday, May 14, 2009

Special Treat

My friend, K, went to Japan recently. Given that she is really smart, she got the hint when I told her how amazing the sweets were that I bought at the Kyoto train station when I visited Japan seven or eight years ago. You can imagine how excited I was when she presented me with this little box when I saw her at our "Girl's Weekend."

I can't remember what they're called, but they are fantastic; sweet bean paste wrapped in a pasta-like wrapper made from rice flour. Mmmmmmm. My husband doesn't like these so I can eat them slowly and savor every one, safe in the knowledge that they won't disappear.

Thanks K. I heart you.

A lot!


  1. Hummmmm......interesting looking!!!

  2. 'Oh my goodness', was my first thought, followed by 'giant tadpoles?'

  3. What a lovely friend! It's good to have smart friends. *G*

  4. I love finding delicious foreign treats...especially ones that nobody else in the family like!

  5. Sounds interesting - AND like I need to get out more! :)

  6. They're not very pretty, but you sure make them sound good.

  7. I heart you too...a lot!

    The sweets I brought you back are Yatsuhashi. The outer covering is called mochi, a sticky rice ball shaped from cooked glutinous rice that’s been pounded into paste.
    Here's a link to a blog all about them..with a pretty picture.
    Don't savor them too long..they have a quick expiration date.
    My favorite sweet was a horse chestnut biscuit we got with tea at our Takayama cottage hotel. I brought back some for F to share with kids at school.


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