
Tuesday, May 5, 2009

Mystery Solved

Papa told us to be prepared to spend the day outside in the woods, so it was raincoats and boots for us this weekend. The kids were so excited as we rode the ferry to the mainland. The catamaran had broken down - so our weekend got off to a slow start on the slow boat. Thank goodness both kids were very well behaved during the 40 minute trip.

We met my dad for dinner in Petoskey on Friday. I think my fortune was a good omen...

Saturday morning we checked into "the cabinet" (according to my son) just a stones throw from the banks of the Platt River.

We spent the afternoon down by the river watching water gliders, throwing sticks in the water and basking in the sunshine.

At 7:00 it was time to go; guess where my husband took us.

Clue #1

Clue #2

Any ideas yet?

How about now?

Look closely...

Yep, you guessed it, he took us to a drive-in movie at the Cherry Bowl, Northern Michigan's largest movie screen. My parents always told me I wasn't allowed to go to the drive-in until I was married. I guess after 13 years of marriage my husband thought it was time.

What a fun trip! It was kind of nice not knowing where we were going and not having a packed schedule to keep. I think going to the drive-in may have to become a summer time family tradition.

Do you have any?


  1. how fun! what memories you made as a family. we don't have any drive inn movie places around here. sounds like a great time!

  2. What a fun weekend. Tell A great job!

  3. oh my goodness. that sounds so fun!! i have to search around an find one for us. fun stuff!!!

  4. Great week-end. My favourite pic is them all on the dock looking underneath into the water. Perfect!

    Our summer traditions? At least one spur-of-the-moment dinner at the beach when dad gets home from work; a visit to Dairy Queen; log rafts.

  5. Wish we had a drive in nearby! I think my boys (and I!) would love it! Our summer tradition of going to the beach for dinner every Wednesday night will begin again whenever the weather gets a little warmer and it stays light a little later. I can't wait!

  6. How fun! A. knows how to create an adventure, doesn't he! Did your dad guess right? I didn't!

  7. There's a drive in about 45 minutes from us. We keep threatening to go... maybe this summer.

  8. Oh that looks SO FUN!!!! I remember going to the drive-in with my parents when I was young - always in my jammies on a soft summer evening, what memories this brings back. Looks like an awesome weekend!

  9. What a wonderful surprise! I wanna go next time ;-)

  10. What a great weekend!
    Sorry I don't have any "summer family traditions"

  11. What a great husband. Looks like you had a great time. We have a few drive-in's near us. When my husband and I were dating and first married we had one really close to us and went a lot. I remember seeing "The Empire Strikes Back" (my baby son was asleep in the back seat.)

  12. How fun!! what a great weekend.
    I've been to a drive-in once. That would be something fun to do with the kids.

  13. I have great memories from childhood at our drive-in movie. It was great! I wish we had one close to us...

  14. Thank you for your comment on We are always so excited to find another sewer. Looks like you had a fabulous weekend!

  15. Drive-in movies always seemed kind of magical to me and a rare treat back in the early Fifties. Most of them around here are now venues for swap meets. Some just sit empty with the speakers standing as lonely sentinels reminding me of my long ago childhood.

  16. It looks like the perfect Spring trip. How fun that it was all a mystery. Do you take turns planning the mystery trips or is it always up to your hubby?

  17. Funny thing - my parents told me the same thing! But I did get to go with them a lot when I was growing up. I wish drive-ins would come back. We have two up here in PNW that we know of - both at least 3 hours away.

    I love the photo of the children and dad on the little peer! Have it enlarged, framed and hang it on your wall. It is a winner! Absolutely charming.

  18. I remember going to a drive-in movie venue as a kid with my parents but they never said the same thing to me, probably because it completely disappeared for longest time. Ha! But it has returned, I think.


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