
Friday, May 1, 2009

May Day

I bet you haven't seen snow in quite a while. You're probably not missing it either, but in case you are, here is some of ours for you to enjoy...

Here it is, May first, and we still have snow on Mackinac. While it may be out in the woods in deep shade and where the snow was piled up by the plow, it's still here. I think the high tomorrow is supposed to be 40 degrees (about 5 C.) Brrrrrrrrrrr! My husband is taking our family on a mystery trip this weekend (yeah!) - an outdoor mystery trip. Warmer weather would be nice, so please send warm thoughts my way...

I'll let you know about the mystery trip when we get back. (It's so exciting - despite the fact that the planner in me is going nuts. I think my husband is secretly enjoying it.)


  1. Well, no, I haven't seen snow in a while :) Although I could if I drove up the local mountain 20 minutes away.

    An outdoor secret adventure? Can't wait to hear all about it!!

  2. We actually saw snow on the Ranges this past week - the earliest ever, that I can remeber.

    Hope your weather warms up for the mystery outdoor adventure.

  3. Stay warm! Can't wait to hear about this weekend's adventures!

  4. And I thought the winters here were long! Have a fun, mysterious time!

  5. Last week we a new FOOT of snow!! Gah! I was not excited. In Utah, we don't have "spring." We just alternate between summer days and winter days until summer suddenly decides to win.

    Have fun on your mystery trip!

  6. Ok, I really didn't need to see that snow, lol - it's all too fresh in my mind. A mystery trip? You know, we always summered in Harrisville [near Alpena], and used to go on a lot of mystery trips. Usually at night, after the adults had been to the Slanty Shanty Bar. We always got lost and it was always great fun. I love mystery trips! Do tell us all about it when you get back!

  7. wow. I'm so done with snow...hoping you get some warm temps that last. Can't wait to hear about the mystery trip. How fun!

  8. Can't wait to hear about the mystery adventure. That would drive me nuts, too! :-)

  9. A mystery trip! that sounds really fun! can't wait to hear about it...

  10. Hope you all had fun. A was so excited about his plan. No snow here. I am excited about new plants and trying hard not to put them in the ground yet. We are probably safe from frost but maybe not! Hope it was a fun and successful weekend.

  11. So... you do still have snow! I guess spring hasn't yet "sprung" up there.

    It has literally erupted here in Pacific NW. Three weeks ago there was almost no sign of green - today flowers and leaves and grass everywhere!

  12. I love get-a-ways!!!! Especially surprise ones. I hope you had a fantastic weekend!

    Truly, julia

  13. What fun. Looking forward to see where he takes you.


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