
Friday, October 24, 2008

Which Way?

We hike through the State Park on the island's trails a lot. Both my husband and I enjoy telling the kids we'll walk where ever they want to and then going along for the ride. I am regularly surprised at my son's sense of direction. He usually knows right where we are and in which direction home is. Which amazes me because I have to stop and think about it, only to discover he is right. S must have inherited that ability from his father, because he sure didn't get it from me...


  1. I can just hear the leaves crunching beneath my feet, and I can smell the Autumn air just by looking at that photo. But I'm glad we're heading into Summer instead.

  2. Oh I can just feel and smell the trail too. I miss it there, and wish I could see S. in his costume. I have you in my Reader and look forward to your posts. Even if I never can think of anything intelligent to respond. Not that this is intelligent. I just wanted to say 'Happy Fall'!

  3. I too can hear the crunch, crunch, crunch. I want to drag my feet in those leaves and kick them up. Kids are amazing and those who have a good sense of direction will never get lost!

  4. What an awesome photo! Makes me want to go for a walk. I am always amazed at my daughter's great sense of direction. Just the other day she helped me return to an orchard we had only visited once, several weeks ago. My own personal tracking system...

  5. Love this path...We have trails around us, but it's a bit of a walk just to get to them, and by the time we reach them, our enthusiasm has waned. :(

  6. What a lovely photo! I don't live in a place where we get a change of seasons, so thank you for sharing yours with us. I can practically smell the woodsmoke...


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