
Sunday, October 19, 2008

Path #1

Last week Shari over over at the Glass Doorknob hosted a Week of Paths and although I am a week late, I still wanted to join in...

We have so many amazing trails and paths on the island I had to share at least one of them. (Though I hope to get in a few more.) My children and I walk this path often. In fact S would probably say it is his favorite path since this is the way we walk to the park - one of his favorite places. We are lucky to live about a three minute walk from the park, so we end up spending lots of time there.

Not today though. Today, Papa raked the leaves into big piles and all the kids in the neighborhood got in on the jumping fun. Not much beats a big pile of leaves on a nice fall day, does it.


  1. I want to play too, Ms. Liz! I hope your family is enjoying autumn on the Island! I almost called you last week as I headed home from a 3 day canoe trip in the U.P. but it was raining cats and dogs and I thought I should use both hands while driving across the bridge!

  2. Beautiful walk! The photo of your daughter is one for the album so cute! The chair took about 5 hours all in so not to bad!

  3. Oh gosh, you guys in USA always the best places to walk... What a beautiful path! :D

    I'm not a kid and I looooooooove leaves piles lol :)

  4. love the path covered in leaves...what a beautiful fall walk and great time to play in the leaves...we had lots of leaves last year on our maple tree but this year...not so much???


  5. That's so fun Liz! I've always wanted to jump into a pile too.


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