
Wednesday, October 15, 2008

One Down, One to Go

I have been a sewing machine these last few days. (No pun intended.) Each night, after my papers are graded, I have diligently headed up to my sewing room to work on costumes. And I'm loving every minute of it. As of tonight K's Gingerbread Man costume is done. (I may make shoe covers, but I wanted to get my son's costume done first.) I had hoped to go outside and snap a few pictures tonight, but it was raining so photos will have to wait for another time.

What do you think of my front door? I took down my regular white curtain and put up the webby one last week. It was so easy to make. I just laid the web fabric on top of my old curtain, folded down the ends so they lined up, stitched across the top and bottom to make the casing,s and put it up. I didn't measure a thing and I think it took a grand total of about 10 minutes. I really like the way it looks at night when the door is back lit. K loves the ghosts. When she sees them on her way up to bed she always says, "Boo!" and then giggles.

Halloween is a huge holiday on the island. Since there are only about 500 of us who live here year round, everyone knows everyone else which makes trick-or-treating pretty darn safe. Everyone seems to get in on the fun. We have a community Halloween party, trick-or-treating in town for the little kids, and of course "real" trick-or-treating for bigger kids at night. Every porch light is always on and everyone hands out huge amounts of candy. We even have one lady in town who actually hands out gigantic homemade popcorn balls. Last year my kids (age 1 and 3 then) did about two blocks - that's it. We came home with a pillowcase full of candy - after just two blocks! Now that S is four, I don't think two blocks is going to cut it. Heaven only knows how big the haul will be this year. I'm also guilty of giving out too much - I've got five bags* ready to go. Five bags and we only have 84 kids in our entire school.

*Why do I have my candy already when Halloween is still two weeks away? I never know when I'll get off the island to shop, so I usually get things early - just to be safe in case I can't get off to shop. I tend to do that a lot - you should see my basement. It's a scary place...


  1. Wow. Your place sounds so wonderful and peaceful. I do love the curtains.

  2. The curtain and ghosts look very effective on the front door.

    Sounds like Halloween is a very enjoyable holiday - I do like the idea of a pillow-case full of lollies!!!

  3. I so love your door decorations! Can't wait to see the Gingerbread Man costume. (this is the blogger formerly known as MamaBird ;)

  4. Love the curtain for sure!

    I have the same title tonight on the blog, funny.

  5. Your front door looks great. I have to confess to freezing some of the too much Halloween loot and using it in Christmas Stockings in December...After all, a kid can only eat so much candy...

  6. First of all, life on the island sounds pretty special. How wonderful that you get to live there!

    And secondly, you door is darling! How clever of you to actually put up a webby curtain.

    Can't wait to see the costumes. I bet they are adorable. Go Mama!!

  7. I love the decorations!

    I must admit we have not lived on the island for 4 years and our basement is still stocked like we live there. Once it is in your blood it must stay forever.

  8. Oh, I just love that front door! So simple and cute. Very effective! I can't wait to see the costumes you are working on. I'm a bit of a Halloween nut myself. I love the way it brings out the kid in everyone.

  9. The door looks great!!! And I never thought about things like Halloween on the Island. But yeah - where do you buy candy at??? You have to get off the island - of course!! Sorry, I'm a little slow tonight :-)

  10. SO SO CUTE!! That door is to die for! Halloween is a BIG ordeal at our house, too! We LOVE it! And typically have a BIG ADULT party, but due to the economy and its weaknesses right now we are just having a little close friend/relative get-together to decorate and carve pumpkins!

  11. Your front door looks fabulous! It really looks like a something I would see in a Martha Stewart magazine, honestly.

  12. i agree with kawaii crafter...fabulous door. wouldn't it be great to be able to do "traditional" trick or treating. we only get one or two kids every year. it's a hubby enjoys the left over candy though. i have such great memories of halloween as a's so different for children now.

  13. Love the door...are the ghosts homemade too or store bought lights?

    I might have you beat on the candy thing. I have 4 huge bags that I bought 4 weeks ago...what can I say, I'm a bargain shopper and Target had them on sale.

    Unfortunately, one bag "somehow" got a hole in it about a week ago and candy has been disappearing...hmmmm is that chocolate I see on my face in the mirror? *grin*

    (she says very defensively) Well they ARE Reese's Peanut Butter Cups..who could resist staring at Reese cups for FOUR weeks!! LOL!


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