
Sunday, October 12, 2008

First Days

So there he is, my little S, on his very first day of school - excited to see the freighter but nervous about what the class will eat for breakfast. (And whether or not he will have to poop... We've been working on S wiping himself since big boys have to take care of themselves at school.) So far he has loved school.

I 'm thrilled that he is excited to go every morning and I love how he runs right over to the sink to wash his hands immediately upon entering the classroom. Then I have to chuckle as he walks over to where he secretly stashed the purple pony (the one with the sparkly mane and tail) and realizes one of the teachers put it back where it belongs and he's going to have to share his favorite toy that day. He's a great little guy but, like all toddlers, he has a lot to learn - preschool is going to be a good thing for him.


  1. I'm so glad he loves preschool! It really is an amazing experience for MOST kiddos!!!!

  2. i'm sure it does your heart good that he's enjoying preschool.

  3. I love pre-school too!! (And not just because it gives me one less child to care for that day.) I am amazed at how much they grow up during that pre-school year. My little Mousie is doing so much for herself now (except the wiping thing - oh she does it at pre-school but still calls for mummy when she's at home.)

  4. He's so sweet. Ah, a new beginning for him (and for you). Have a good week Liz.

  5. So good he likes his school :)
    And that is such a beautiful photo!! :D

  6. My little River is loving pre-school too, he feels so grown up now! Glad to see S is liking it!

  7. Ahh that age is so precious. I hope he continues to enjoy it. Love the dress from the last post I hope you win it.


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