
Monday, September 15, 2008

Time For Some Humble Pie

I owe a number of you an apology. So let me begin with that...

I am very sorry that I have not been sending emails in response to all the wonderful comments you leave for me. I love getting comments and I actually have been writing response emails, some of you just haven't been getting them. Why you ask. Well it is because I am a complete and total dork, dumb-ass, goober, etc. Feel free to insert your favorite less than complimentary adjective here _______. Let me explain...

Sometime back in August, I changed from using comment moderation to email notification to keep track of my comments so I could respond to them. It seemed like a great idea, and it would have been if I wasn't so clueless. I loved the email notification because I could just click "reply" to send an email to the people who commented, but like everything that seems to good to be true, this was too.

When I clicked "reply," often the email address was and I thought that was OK. I thought those emails were being sent all the wonderful people who took the time to leave me a little note. How dumb could I be?

Twice yesterday I noticed that when I clicked "reply" there was an actual email address instead of "noreply." So I fired off second emails to Linn and Susan and asked, "Did you get another message from me today?" Both said no. Yikes! All those messages I had sent were just gone. People must have thought I was quite rude for not responding to their comments, so let me make it up to you...

I was planning on doing a give away for my 100th post (this is post #94,) but I think I want to do it now. I want you all to know how much I value your comments and that I feel bad for seeming to ignore some of you.

Sweet William

I saved all the seeds from my columbine and my sweet william this year, and I have more seeds than I can use. Would you like some? As you can see in the pictures, the sweet williams are a mixture of different colors but the columbine is purple.

If you would like a little packet of seeds, just leave a comment and let me know which one (or both) you would like. I have lots and should be able to send seeds out to everyone who would like some. Plus, as long as your email is available on your profile or blog, I promise I will email a reply to your comment, and you'll get it! Because I do read and appreciate every one...

humble pie image credit:


  1. don't feel so bad liz...i was doing that for the longest time just sending off email after email and not realizing about the no reply thing.

  2. I agree: don't feel bad. I fall off the planet every now and then for weeks at a time, and end up skipping comment responses. I am sure I have done it t o you a time or two... and I don't even have confusing email settings to blame it on. It's just pure overwhelm and poor manners. ;oP

    Love your blog as always!

  3. I do things like this all the time. It took me ages to even figure out how to reply to a comment. Your flowers are so pretty. I don't know a lot of flowers by name but I appreciate their beauty.

  4. I've done that as well. It took me a few times to figure that out as well!! Beautiful pictures!!

  5. You have always replyed to me and I also love your comments. I've been thinking about doing the same thing you were doing. Thanks for letting us know. You always have just beautiful flowers. We haven't had a lot of rain here so my flowers didn't do well this year.

  6. you are just pressed for time, very busy...of course i would like some of each...they are quite lovely. getting colder up here, the furnance usually kicks in once or twice a night lately. flannel sheets never really came off the bed this year. progress with victoria, she will be coming on or before dec.19th...i am so excited. i am gathering up little art projects and seeing where we can go the things we can see. happy dance!!!!!!

  7. Oh Liz don't feel bad, I hardly ever get time to leave comments let alone respond to the ones I get! You are a wonderful blogger!

  8. I don't expect a reply everytime I leave a comment. Mostly I just want you to know that I stopped by with a comment.

  9. Yeah, that is SO annoying about Blogger! I am lucky, I get a bounce back if I make a mistake and do that, so I know it never went through. And for me, I made sure my email was enabled in my profile so people can actually figure out how to reach me.

    Pretty flowers. :)

  10. It took me a while to figure that out too. Most of the time I can't find an email address for the people at all, so if they ask a question I usually go to their blog and leave a comment on one of their posts with the answer.

    I finally decided that responding to every post was so time consuming and I just don't have time. I do appreciate each and every comment I get, but I just can't respond to all of them.

    I barely have enough time to get everything done that I need to as it is LOL

    So don't feel bad, I don't think most of us expect a response unless we ask a specific question. are off MY hook, hopefully there is no one out there holding a grudge LOL

    Oh and I would love both seeds, but especially the sweet williams. My mother always grew them when I was a little girl and I had totally forgotten about them until now.


Thank you for commenting. I'd love to know what you think. I usually respond to comments via email. If your email is linked to your profile or you leave it for me I can respond to you.