
Sunday, September 14, 2008

Ready, Set, Go

The seamstress in me has started gearing up for Halloween. Both my husband and I love Halloween, so we tend to go a wee bit overboard. I know it isn't fair (because not everyone knows how or has the time to sew,) but I have a personal problem with store-bought costumes, I just don't like them. Perhaps it is because my mother always made ours; never once did I have a purchased costume. Anyway, I always try to make ours too; last year we were all pirates. (I wasn't blogging last October, so I'll shamelessly share pictures now.)

I took a trip to Traverse City this weekend. In addition to shopping for my son's mermaid-themed birthday (his choice - more details next week) and new clothes for myself (dear God - did I ever need them,) I was able to pick up all the supplies for this year's costume making extravaganza.

This theme this year is The Gingerbread Man. Starring my daughter, K, as the Gingerbread Man (Simplicity #3916,) that quick cookie known for yelling, "Run, run as fast as you can. You can't catch me I'm the Gingerbread Man!"

My son, S, as the Tricky Fox (Simplicity #2855 though I'll have to wing it on the tail) who tricks the Gingerbread Man and ends up snacking on him in the end,

and my husband and I as the Old Man and the Old Woman who are too slow to catch the Gingerbread Man as he runs away. (Quite fitting I think...) Plus the fox costume will work for one of the kids in next year's horse show Costume Class competition. I have visions of a fox sitting atop the horse with a bugle, "chasing" a boy dressed in a red jacket and black riding helmet helmet, while the fox yells, "Run, run as fast as you can.", "How does it feel?", "Now it's my turn to get you," or something like that. If you've got a clever idea about using the Gingerbread Man costume with a horse let me know - I'm drawing a complete blank.

I'm off to make an Ariel table cloth, and a special shirt for my four year-old birthday boy.


  1. my mother always made us the most incredible outfits...quite a thing when they are really only used once.

    i look forward to making victoria's every year. mikko wouldnt give me a clear answer about this year...oh, she will probably go as a princess, i am going to take it upon myself to scan and print some designs and send to tori and see which one she wants. will probably need lots and lots of gathers and layers and veils and maybe some is so much fun sewing for a girl!

  2. I'm on the homemade costume bandwagon, too. I've already decided that the rule around our house will always be that the costume needs to be me or them. I have so many wonderful memories of designing and making the most bizarre costumes growing up!

    My boys have requested to be black widow spiders. I think it's so cute that they want to be the same thing this year.

  3. We usually start planning for Halloween around here a good six months ahead of time. I have some kind of Halloween disorder, I swear. Now my daughter has caught it too. She's been sketching her Amy Brown fairy costume for months. My poor husband...
    Love the family themes you have going. Very cute.

  4. Love the Halloween costumes!! I've made them in past years as well, but this year young one wants to be a Clone Trooper from StarWars. I don't think I'm going to try that one - might have to purchase it :-(

  5. I am over-impressed that you can find the time to do all that sewing! I can't seem to find a few spare minutes to sew a couple buttons back on!

    Hope you all enjoy your Halloween. It's not a big thing here although is starting to catch on a bit in some areas. We did get a knock at our door last year, but I was on a diet and didn't have a single lolly in the whole house! I gave them stickers instead.

  6. jealous! jealous! jealous! Okay, now that I"m done with my tantrum... very cute costumes!! We tend to figure out a way to have our costumes made - in part or whole. a lot of times that just involves me finding things already made and modifying them.. others my gramma helps me out! This year.. Ty wants to be Spiderman.. don't know what I"m gonna do about that one! :)

  7. Halloween is a great time for fun and enjoy. Beautiful Halloween costumes.


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