
Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Off to a Good Start

Sorry I've been missing for a while - Tuesday was my first day back to school. So this is probably my busiest time of the year. This year I have fourteen 6th - 7th graders in the morning and seven 4th - 5th graders in the afternoon. I've got some great kids and I am looking forward to a wonderful year...

Our first day of school is always a half day with a community picnic in the afternoon. This year we all headed up to the old fort on the island. (It was built in 1780.) The fort interprets the 1880s - the time when the island was a national park and the garrison of soldiers maintained the park.

The fort guides enlisted all the kids and drilled them in some of the finer points of soldiering. This was rather challenging for the little ones didn't know their left from their right, but the crowd up at the fort sure enjoyed it.

Another reason my year is off to a great start is this wonderful lady - Marcia. We've been reading each other's blogs for about six months now and were able to meet over Labor Day weekend. Let me tell you, she is an absolute peach of a gal! We had a great time chatting all afternoon. We're even going to try to get together again later in the month...

And she brought presents! A cute little bag she made (complete with the pattern,) adorable fabric, wonderful handmade soap wrapped in a knit flower, and growing towels for the kids. She brought four, but S and K opened three of them yesterday and loved them! K loved the fabric so much she stuffed it all in her backpack and took it to the babysitter's house yesterday. You can imagine my surprise when I discovered it. So I'm going to have to use it to make something for her.

I may be missing in action until sometime next week. I've got a "To Do" list a mile long and we are heading to a friend's cabin for a relaxing weekend. I can hear that rowboat calling to me already... Have a super weekend.


  1. I LOVE your attitude about work! It's so wonderful to know that there are teachers out there who TRULY love what they do! And the kids will always know that, too! Glad your yr. got off to a super start! And 21 students??? wow! Teachers here would give an arm and/or a leg for that many (or few) students! :)

  2. I'm glad you're enjoying your begining of school. Love the pictures from the fort. And sounds like you had fun with Marcia and what great goodies!!!

  3. Enjoy your relaxing weekend, and I hope it's a good recharge to help you get through the mile-long to do list!

  4. how fun to be able to meet up with Marcia! (I'm jealous...I want to have a blogger meet up!)

  5. Your job is one of the most important on earth and I’m happy to read you love it.
    Being a mum and a teacher will provide for all the best ingredients!
    Enjoy your new year at school!

    Meeting a blogger, that’s great, isn’t it!?

    Happy weekend!

  6. Next time we'll have to take a picture when we're not squinting into the sun...Ü Maybe we'll have to plan a blogger meet with Amy Jo and Amanda Jean as they are both within driving distance.


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