
Sunday, September 7, 2008

Fun is...

Fun is spending a wonderfully relaxing weekend at a dear friend's cabin...

and lounging all day soaking in the atmosphere with no plans or schedules.

Fun is going out fishing for the very first time...

and catching more than everyone else in the boat... combined.

It's knowing your little boy is in good hands and having a marvelous time even though you aren't with him.

Not-so-much-fun is being left behind because there are no life jackets small enough to fit you.

The best part is just sitting on the shore listening to the loons as the sun sets and enjoying the company of friends you don't see often enough.

Thanks Kelaine (and Dan & Frank) for the wonderful weekend. Let's not wait five years to do it again this time.


  1. It looks like a beautiful weekend. It just breaks my heart when my guy is "too little" for something like your little one. Sigh.
    Lovely water photos.

  2. Sounds like a peaceful weekend.
    The pictures you took are fantastic!

  3. what fabulous photos of what looks like the most perfect weekend ever.

  4. what a wonderful weekend...her time will come
    off to make zuccini bread

  5. what fabulous pictures!! glad you had a great weekend!

  6. What a great way to relax after a week back at school. Love all the pics. Poor, sweet, little girl having to wait on shore...

  7. Looks like a fabulous place for a vacation.

  8. Yes... that does sound like Fun. *sigh* Those are the days that memories are made of.

  9. Ack!! One of my biggest quirks..I am deathly afraid of earthworms! lol Oh, man..

  10. What beautiful pictures. It looks like you had a delightful time :)

  11. OK. Let's not wait that long. It was a great weekend.


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