
Saturday, June 21, 2008

Life, the Universe and Everything

1. And the winners are...
Jacquie, Shannon, and Marcia. Email me your addresses so I can get those tulips heading your way. (I know I needed a photo of a tulip, but I am in Indiana spending the week with my in-laws, and I only had pictures of irises on my camera - so it will have to do.)

2. The kids and I are having a BLAST this week with Grandma and Grampie down in Southern Indiana. Partially because it is warm here! When we life the island it was 48 degrees and we could see our breath. Down here it is in the 80s and sunny. We left Northern Michigan at 5:30 am, and got to see a beautiful sunrise.
The next day we went to the Indianapolis Zoo with my MIL, SIL and her three boys. Fun fun fun! S and K favorite part was watching the seals swim.
The next day we were off to Holiday World... more about that another time.


  1. The green light of that aquarium pictures is SO cool.

  2. Ahh Holiday World...the Disney World of my youth!!! That was the BEST PLACE ON EARTH when I was little! Glad you are enjoying our sunshine and good weather. This week has just been heavenly hasn't it? Better than all the rains!! Did you parents have to deal with any flooding over their way?

  3. Hurray! Maybe I can post some flower pics next Spring now.

    Love the pic of S & K....How cute is that. Have a great trip.

  4. Thanks again Liz! That pic of the kids is so cute...almost ET like.

  5. First time visiting your blog. I, too, am loving that aquarium picture. I just got a new camera that I am trying to make friends with...

  6. hmmm...i thought i posted a comment but i guess it got lost in the zone...have fun down south and bring some of the sunshine back up with you. promises of mid 70s but it is cloudy and only 58. my dye class is thursday, i have decided to just drag em all down to the basement...all my stuff is down there and warm water. i dont want to experiment with dyeing with icey cold water. when we are waiting to rinse we can all go up out on the deck and have lunch and chat. should be fun. we are off to see willie nelson tomarrow...yipee

  7. THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!! I'm so excited to get my tulips!

  8. Surely, one day isn't enough at Holiday World?! The website already looks so fun!

  9. Glad you're enjoying the trip! Love the pic of S and K. FYI I posted my first blog on a crafty librarian...mostly to document my quote...think I should trademark it??

    See you Friday!!!!!!!

  10. We only had time for one day... We still had to squeeze in Wonderlab (a hands on science center geared fro young children.)


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