
Sunday, August 1, 2021


In case you didn't know, this past winter Mackinac Island got a new, very fancy ambulance. Since no one in my family has needed to ride in it (thankfully,) I really never got a good look at it - that is until earlier this week. I just happened to be at the Mackinac Island Medical Center when they had it out for a bath.

My first thought was to refer to the ambulance as a "her." According to the UK's Imperial War Museum's website, ships are usually referred to using the feminine because of the idea of a mother figure or goddess guiding and protecting the crew and the ship. Given the job of an ambulance, using "her" seemed appropriate, but I don't want to imply that males can't / don't guide or protect, so I opted for the gender-neutral term "it" instead. No offence was intended if I used the wrong term.

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